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Hello everyone author-chan here and I figured I would kinda update you about what's going on. First off sorry for not updating recently I have been busy. The reason I have been busy is because I procrastinated making my cosplay so I only had 2 weeks to completely sew and get together my cosplay for anime expo. If you don't know what Anime Expo is, the easiest way to explain it is anime heaven. They have a bunch of  different panels, events, and merchandise. This is also a four day event, it goes from July 1- July 4 and I'm going all 4 days. In fact I am writing this in the car on the way to Anime Expo. So I will be busy until the 4th, but I will try to update either later at night on the 4th or on the 5th. That's all I have to say though so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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