Yuuki Konno~~ Sword Art Online

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Hello Everyone! I am back after a month with a request from Monomiku! I actually got this request over a month ago, but I have been so busy the past few weeks that I didn't realize that much time had passed, I thought only 2-3 weeks had passed... I am really sorry it took this long, but I hope it was worth it! Thank you for reading!

"Ughhhh" I said letting out a loud groan. "Come on (Y/N)! You can't be lazy forever, there is so much to do outside of your bed" Yuuki urged me, tugging on my arm. "But I am perfectly happy here, it's warm, safe, and I don't have to do anything" I argued back at the eager girl. When I turned my head to look back over at the girl, I saw her cute puppy dog face. I sighed, "Yuuuuukiiii! I refuse! I don't wanna stand up and leave my bed!" "Pleaseeeee (Y/N)? You have to take some risks to fully live life you know? So let's go have fun!" Yuuki said back, her puppy dog eyes reaching into my soul. I sighed once again, that girl always knows how to get her way, "Fine..." I caved into her wishes.

A bright smile coated her face, as I slowly emerged from my cozy bed out into the room. "Do you at least have an idea of where you wanna go explore?" I questioned the girl. "Yeah! There is a forest near here that I want to go explore. It will be so much fun with you!" She responded happily, while taking my hand and leading the way. I let the girl drag me to the forest, while I just wished that I stayed in my comfy bed at home, rather than walking through a forest. "I am going to make sure that you don't regret exploring this forest with me, rather than just staying at home" Yuuki said with determination, as we reached the forest. I scoffed, "Good luck with that" I grumbled out, really not feeling up to the task.

"Let's keep going! Hmmm... let's go that way" she exclaimed, and we began heading left. Our hands were no longer intertwined, leaving me to feel even more sad in this situation. I turned my attention to our surrounding, trying to stay positive. Light from the sun above our heads shone through the cracks between the leaves, creating strings of light. The slight breeze rustled through the leaves and created a peaceful atmosphere. The forest truly was beautiful. Although I enjoy staying inside, I still know how to appreciate the beauty that nature can bring. I continued to follow Yuuki as we conversed endlessly about random topics while just enjoying one another.

"Wow! Look at this field (Y/N)!" Yuuki exclaimed. I directed my attention to the large field of colorful flowers in front of us. "It's really beautiful... why don't we pick some to take back with us? It can commemorate the rare time where I actually left the house to explore. " I said jokingly. Laughter erupted from the girl as she happily ran into the field of colors, only stopping to pick the ones she liked the best. "This one is your favorite color right?" Yuuki said holding up a (F/C) flower. A slight smile appeared on my face and I nodded yes in response, as she handed the flower to me. 

We continued to explore the flower patch, picking some of the most beautiful ones we had never seen before. I now held a bouquet of flowers, and I could feel the energy draining out of me. The initial excitement of exploring had begun to wore off, and I decided it was time for a break. "Yuuki, we've been going for so long, is there anywhere we can rest" I asked the girl. "Hmmm, how about over there," she pointed to a waterfall, "It'll be fun, we can dip our toes in!" I agreed, because it did seem like a relaxing spot. The sun was also close to setting, which only made the atmosphere more peaceful.

I quickly removed my shoes and sat down, allowing my feet to dip into the cool water. I let my body fall back onto the ground, and I felt a strong urge to sleep. Yuuki did the same, and we laid there for a bit, simply enjoying the peace. "Hey (y/n)... you know what I said about taking risks earlier?" Yuuki said while sitting up. Our eyes met, and the lowering sun glistened, making her eyes shine. "Y-Yeah I remember" I stuttered out, feeling a bit flustered at the atmosphere that she is creating.

A frown appeared on Yuuki's face, "There is a risk I have been wanting to take, but I have been too scared to do it." I was surprised to hear this, "You are scared of something?" A small blush appeared on the girl's face, "O-Of course! But I have decided, I am going to take that risk right now or I will regret it!" she exclaimed. I was curious as to what risk she wanted to take, but now didn't seem like the right time. "Are you sure you want to do that right now? I mean, we are in the middle of a forest right now... You sure you don't wanna do it tomorro-" my sentence was cut off by Yuuki's lips.

I was definitely taken by surprise. Heat rose to my face as the girl pulled away from me, "Y-Yuuki!?" I exclaimed, too stunned to say anything else. A blush was dusted across her face too, "Not a good enough kiss huh?" she said softly before  approaching me again. Her lips pressed against mine, and I was able to gain enough bearings to kiss back this time. As our kiss came to an end once again, but this time Yuuki pulled away with a playful smile. "Do you wanna date me?" She asked. 

"I-I just kissed you back right? You know, I have been in love with you since forever... it took you long enough to notice" I finished my sentence, jokingly crossing my arms. Of course, Yuuki continued to tease me, "Awww are you embarrassed?" "Pfft o-of course not..." I muttered out, feeling quite embarrassed. "Yeah, yeah, I toootally believe you... now, why don't you just kiss me again"  Yuuki said as our lips pressed together once again. In the end, she definitely did make sure that I didn't regret leaving the house for once.

~~The End~~

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