Trafalgar Law ~~ One Piece

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AN~~ Hello everyone! I think I have mentioned the fact that I have been re-watching One Piece before, but I just finished the Dressrosa Arc again. I absolutely love Tra-guy because he is just super awesome, so I figured he needed some love in my book. Also uh, I have no clue if Aevloldameaf Triscus means anything, I just made it up from a random generator thing. Thank you for reading!

It was another blazing hot day inside the submerged Polar Tang. I had already taken off the boiler suits that we usually wear, and walked around in some causal shorts and a tank top. Although it did help make me slightly cooler, I still felt like I was boiling. "(Y/NNNN) You understand me more than they do, please convince captain to let us surface" Bepo whined to me. "You can't expect (Y/N) to always help you get your way, right (Y/N)" Shachi said expecting me to agree with him. "Hell no, I agree with Bepo on convincing the captain to let us surface. I bet that hell is actually cooler than here" I grumbled out as I lie on the floor next to Bepo. "You just agree with Bepo because you think he is a 'cute widdle polar bear' if I remember correctly" Shachi teased. "He is a cute and fluffy polar bear that is much more innocent then the rest of you pervs" I poked back at him. "It's not my fault that we don't see girls often" He angrily murmured.

I just groaned out as my response, the heat was melting my brain too much to create a response. I rolled on the floor in hopes of it distracting me from the sweltering hot day. Rolling around finally did its job, as I gathered enough strength to get off the floor and sprint to my room. I had snapped. I entered the small room I had to myself as I was the only female on a ship filled with pervs, and I threw my dresser drawer open. I grabbed the first matching pieces of swimsuit that I could find, and locked the door before reducing my amount of clothing to minimum. I gave up about being embarrassed by walking around in little to nothing, and happily welcomed the bikini in my hands.

I felt free, as I no longer was wearing sweaty clothes that clung to my body. I slipped on a pair of sandals, and began my trek to the captain's room. Although I was just walking down corridors, I felt as if I was scaling a treacherous mountain or an endless desert. After years, I finally reached a door with our jolly roger engraved on it. Law would definitely be in here, and I am definitely not leaving here until he gives us the 'ok' to surface. Not bothering to knock, I groaned out Law's name and opened the door. He was clearly taken aback by my attire, and my current state as I was red faced and sweat coated my hairline. "Do you need medical attention (Y/N)-ya?" Law asked with a smirk on his face. "Ha Ha Ha, very funny Dr. Hilarious. You know why I am here" I said, not being able to make up anything creative and sarcastic.

"It's not that hot (Y/N)-ya, I think you are just overreacting" He spoke with the smirk not leaving his face. I let out an angry growl. Law and I were often behaved like this, saying sarcastic things to one another to piss each other off. I knew that he was just building off the rage created by the heat and responded, "If it's not that hot, then why are you shirtless and sweating?" The smirk left his face, and it became my turn to smirk at the raven haired man. He sighed knowing that I was right. It often got very hot in the Polar Tang, so Law already knew that I was in here to ask him to surface. "Fine, we can surface. It works out anyways because Jean Bart said there was an island near" Tra-guy said not fighting against me anymore.

Law got up from his chair and began to walk out the door, but not before I tackled him. "Thank you captainnnn" I dragged out as my eyes filled with tear, and snot dripped from my nose. A slight blush formed on his face, which I assumed was from the heat. "You're welcome, now get off of me so we can get outside" he spoke with a softer voice than normal. I smiled brightly as I sprinted down the corridor shouting "WE'RE FREEEEEE BEPO, (Y/N) IS A FREE PIRATEEEE!" "THANK YOU (Y/N)!" Bepo shouted as he tightly embraced me.

I quickly popped the door open, and threw my self onto the deck. "HELL YEAH, COOL AIR!" I shouted rolling around on the still wet deck. Don't judge me, rolling on floors is my thing. Bepo was out instantly after me, and he was cheering happily as the breeze gently grazed us. Law just leaned against the wall next to the door, and chuckled at our behavior. I became even more excited as the island we were going to stop at came into sight. "THERE IS THE ISLANNNDDD" I shouted to no one in particular. I stared at it a bit longer before realizing it looked uninhabited. "Traaaa-guyyy, is it a deserted island?" I asked as I made eye contact with him. "Yeah, the island is uninhabited. We are doing fine on supplies, so we can afford to stop and explore this island." He responded.

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