Midorima Shintaro~~ Kuroko no Basket

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--AN-- Hello everyone, that's right another Kuroko no basket character. A couple weeks ago someone requested a Kagami Taiga x Reader and I had no idea who that was. I then looked up the character to see what anime he was from, so I could watch the anime and write the story(I felt bad for not knowing what character he was). I then proceeded to binge watch all 3 seasons of Kuroko no Basket within about 4 days. Since then I have been addicted to this anime so the next 1 or 2 one-shots will probably be KnB characters. Midorima is like my ultimate favorite character. Have you ever started watching an anime and then you see a certain character and then your like 'this character was created to be loved by me' well that's how Midorima is to me. Sorry for the long AN I just figured I would explain why I'm writing all these KnB one-shots. TO THE STORY!!!

"Shin-chan pleaseeee" I begged "No, I'm not going to get ice cream with you. Why do you want ice cream anyways, it's the middle of winter(I say that as it's 90 degrees outside)" Shintaro questioned. "So what if it's cold out, ice cream is a treat that can be enjoyed all year round" I responded. "For the last time (Y/N) I'm not going to go get ice cream with you" Shintaro said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I continued to bug him as we walked into the gym where the rest of the basketball team was warming up. I told Shintaro that I would watch him practice and then I'm going to make him get ice cream with me. "Oh Shin-chan~~, (Y/N)-chan~~, you finally showed up" Takao shouted. "You got here right before them so you have no right to speak, dumbass" Miyaji said. 

"Ah Shin-chan is being a tsun-tsun again, he won't go out for ice cream with me after practice" I said. "I don't think that's being a tsundere (Y/N), I think that's just common sense. I mean who goes out for ice cream during the winter" Otsubo said. "You guys are all idiots. Like I said before, ice cream is a delicious treat that can be enjoyed all year long. Also it's my lucky item today, and you wouldn't want me to have bad luck today right Shin-chan"I stated. "Oh no, (Y/N) I think you have been hanging around Shin-chan too much. He's starting to rub off on you." Takao said jokingly. "You do have a good point (Y/N). (Zodiac sign) was the unluckiest today, and something bad could happen if you don't have your lucky item. N-Not that I care or anything" Shintaro said.

"Fine, I will take you to go get ice cream after practice, and make sure you are wearing your lucky color so that way you won't get hurt on the way to the ice cream place(I don't know what they are called, but I'm talking about places like cold stone and 31 flavors, or whatever ice cream places you have near you). N-Not that I care about you, it's just that it would be troublesome if you got hurt" Shintaro stated. "YAY~~ Shin-chan is going to get ice cream with me" I shouted and I began to skip towards the bleachers. Once I began skipping I then proceeded to kick my own leg somehow and fall. "(Y/N) I told you to be careful, I don't want you to get hurt. I-I mean I could care less what happens to you" Shintaro said with worry in his voice. AWWWW such a cute tsun-tsun. Shintaro picked me up and put me on the bleaches to make sure I didn't injure myself any further. As he did this we both began blushing deep shades of red, but we just blew it of and he went to practice.

*Time Skip to after practice*

Whelp my luck is absolutely terrible today. During practice I got hit by a stray baskeball 10 times, and I look like I got beat up. "Shin-chan let's go get ice cream now" I said as he walked out of the locker rooms, now in his street clothes. "(Y/N), I will go get you some ice cream and bring it back to you. Your luck is absolutely horrible today and I don't want you to get injured anymore" Shintaro said with a caring tone. Woah, did Shintarou get hit in the head by a bunch of basketballs too, because this is one hell of a personality change. "It doesn't matter to me because I just want to spend time with you Shintaro" I said. "W-Why would you risk getting hurt just to spend time with me b-baka(Lol all I can imagine right now is like Midorima, the freaking jolly green giant, blushing furiously while acting like a school girl confessing to their crush in a shoujo manga)" He responded.

"Beacause I love you Shintaro! Even though you're a tsundere and you are always carrying around weird items, I find that adorable. I even began watching Oha Asa everyday so we would have something in common(Did you know Oha Asa is real, I have been checking it everyday and I have started wearing my lucky color everyday. The funny part is that ever since I started doing that I have gotten better at basketball) and I have even begun to carry around my lucky items, because if something is important to you, it's important to me too" I stated. "I-I love you too (Y/N)" Shintaro stated softly. "Shintaro.. did you just say that.. you love me too" I said shocked from his confession. "Y-Yeah I said that I love you too, and w-will you be my girlfriend" he stated a bit louder.

"So.... So.... SO CUTEEEE~~" I squealed as I glomped the 6 foot tsundere(I'm pretty sure he is 6'5, but it sounds better like this). "Ah Shin-chan is so cute when he blushes and stutters" I shouted. "O-Oi, get off of me (Y/N)" Shintaro said. "Also, of course I will be your girlfriend Shin-chan because I love you" I said. "I-I love you (Y/N), this is still really strange to say" he said. "Well you better get used to saying it, because I'm your girlfriend now" I said as I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "O-Oi don't do stuff like that, we just began dating" He stuttered.  "But, I want to kiss you a lot more Shin-chan" I responded. "Don't say such embarrassing stuff (Y/N)" He said. I responded by kissing him again, and he just began to blush and kiss back.  Shin-chan the tsun-tsun is all mine now, and I'm all his. I wouldn't want it any other way.

~~The End~~ 

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