Kagami Taiga~~ Kuroko no Basket

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--AN-- This was requested by @reine-chan , I hope you enjoy it!

"Oi, (Y/N) get that stupid thing away from me" Kagami shouted. "Don't listen to him Tetsuya #2, you're adorable. Kagami don't say mean things just because you don't like dogs. I mean how can you not like Tetsuya #2." I shouted back as I chased Kagami with Tetsuya #2 in my hands. "It's going to kill me" he shouted as he continued to run away from me. "Oi, lovebirds stop messing around, and Kagami get back to practice" Riko shouted. Kagami and I began blushing when she called us lovebirds, do people really think we look like a couple. Kagami stopped running and I took this as my chance to shove Tetsuya #2 into his hands. 

"(Y/N) what the hell are you doing, AH ITS ATTACKING ME" he shouted as Tetsuya #2 began licking his face. "Kagami you dumbo its just licking you, its not trying to murder you" I said as I began laughing. "OI, STOP FLIRTING AND GET YOUR ASS TO PRACTICING" Riko shouted as she whacked Kagami on his head. "Ah sorry, I'm going to practice right now" Kagami said as he gave me Tetsuya #2 and ran onto the court. I sat down on the floor next to Tetsuya #2 and began watching them practice. Now I don't know about how other girls feel, but when Kagami gets really sweaty after practicing it make him look hotter than usual (You can't deny it, these are words from the heart). I just sat there watching them as my mind began wondering.

That stupid red-head began worming his way into my thoughts. I have had a crush on him pretty much since I meet him at the beginning of the school year, and I'm trying to think of ways to confess to him. Ah, maybe I can buy him a bunch of food, you know what they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. No, that's not thoughtful, I need to do something that's from the heart. I can write 'I love you' on a basketball, no that's a really stupid idea. AHHHHHHHH I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING, MY BRAIN ISN'T WORKING! Ah whatever, I will think more about it later.

*Timeskip to After Practice*

Everyone was getting ready to go home, so I handed Tetsuya #2 to Tetsuya. "Bye Tetsuya, see you tomorrow" I said. Tetsuya just waved in return. Everyone had left the gym besides me and Kagami, and there was an awkward silence. "It's kinda late (Y/N) do you want me to walk you home?" Kagami questioned. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA he just offered to walk me home, and he is blushing, why is he blushing, why is he so adorable, why do I have so many questions? Ah, just stay calm (Y/N), stay calm. "Y-yeah s-sure that would make me feel safer" I said as I began blushing. Dammit, I stuttered now I probably look like a fool. "Ok, are you ready to go then" He said. "Y-yeah I'm ready" I responded and we began walking towards my house.

As we were walking it was very silent, until my stomach decided to change that. *Growl~~ Growl~~* 'AHHHHH stupid stomach stop grumbling, I will feed you when I get home' I thought. *Growl~~ Growl~~* stupid stomach. "Oh are you hungry, we could stop by a fast food place if you want" He suggested. "Yeah sure" I said embarrassed by my stupid stomach. "Ah don't be embarrassed, I'm actually really hungry too" Kagami said making me feel a little less embarrassed. Thankfully the fast food place was close by and it only took us around three minutes to get there. We then got in line since we already knew what we wanted, since we came here all the time.

"Hey, isn't that the guy from that school that made it into the top 4 of the Interhigh preliminaries" "Yeah,  his name is Kagami Taiga from Seirin High" "Oh, is that his girlfriend" "That has to be his girlfriend because they seem really close" "Oh, we need to spread this news to other people" some random people said. We heard the sound of a camera and we both instantly looked at each other and began blushing. We knew that everyone would think we are a couple if pictures of us together got out, but neither of us did anything to stop it. Instead we just ignored it and enjoyed our meal.

*Timeskip to next day after the finish practice*

"Good job everyone, you're getting better. Also, I have something I want to talk to you about Kagami-kun, (Y/N)-chan" Riko said. She then pulled a photo of me and Kagami out of her pocket, uh oh. "I knew you two were a couple, but I'm pissed off that you guys didn't tell us sooner that you were dating. We are your friends, you can trust us" Riko said. "A-ah R-Riko-chan we aren't dating some people just posted that to make it look like we are dating" I explained as I began blushing profusely. "(Y/N) catch" Kagami said. He then suddenly through a basketball at me, and there was writing on it. Hmmmmm what does that say, it's all smudged. Wait i think it says 'I love you'..... this is awkward considering I called this idea stupid yesterday. 

I looked up at Kagami, and both of our faces were as red as his hair. "(Y)-(Y/N) I love you, will you be my girlfriend" Kagami said as he stared right into my eyes. "Kagami I'm sick of you. You're so adorable, but then a couple seconds later you're hotter than hell. You get mad so easily, and you look cute even when your mad. You make my heart feel like its going to explode whenever you're near me, and just about 24/7 I'm thinking about you. I think that if I become your girlfriend I am going to die from cuteness overload.... but I l-love you too and I would love to be your girlfriend." I stated, proud of myself from not stuttering too much. He just gave me a huge smile as he leaned down and kissed me. We stayed like this until we both needed to stop and breath. "(Y/N)" "Yes?" "I love you so much" "I love you too Taiga"

~~The End~~

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