Izuku Midoriya~~ Boku no Hero Academia

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--AN-- Hello everyone, I'm back! I know I said that I was going to do a lot of Kuroko no Basket one-shots I decided to switch it up. I have watched the anime and read the manga and I really enjoyed this series so I thought why the heck not. That and I seem to really like green haired characters with Midori in their last name. If you don't get that it's because Izuku is my favorite character from MHA, and my favorite character from KnB is Shintaro. Whelp, let's get to the story.

*this is a flash back to when you are like 4*

I was walking to the park to meet my best friend Izuku Midoriya, when I saw him and another kid being bullied by Kacchan. I saw Izu-kun standing up against Kacchan even though you could tell he was afraid. Izu-kun and I haven't developed our quirks yet, so that makes him even more cool. I think Izu-kun is so cool for sticking up against Kacchan even though he has a quirk and we don't.

When me and Izu-kun grow up we are going to be the greatest heroes ever just like All Might, but first I gotta save Izu-kun. "Oi, Kacchan stop picking on Izu-kun you big meanie" I yelled at him as I stood in front of Izuku. "Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it you guys haven't even developed you quirks yet" Katsuki shouted back angrily. "Just because we haven't developed our quirks doesn't mean we can't do anything, when Izu-kun and I grow up we are going to be the greatest heroes you've ever seen" I shouted as I smacked Kacchan.

After I smacked Kacchan he looked at me angrily and just ran away with his crew. "Ah, Izu-kun are you ok" I shouted as I ran and hugged him. Izuku began blushing and stuttered "I-I'm all right, but Kacchan didn't hurt you right" he asked with tears in his eyes. "Izu-kun, you're so cool even though you were afraid, and you don't have your quirk yet you stood up to Kacchan, you're going to be a great hero" I shouted as I hugged Izu-kun tightly. "Y-Yeah we are going to be the best heroes when we grow up" he said smiling like no tomorrow.

*10 years later when they are in the last year of Junior high*

"IZU-KUN! IZU-KUN WAIT UP FOR ME" I yelled as I ran towards Izuku. I woke late today, so I told him to begin walking to school and I would catch up. "Ah, good morning (Y/N)-chan" Izuku greeted me. "Good morning Izu-kun" I responded. There was about 5 minutes left on our daily walk to school, so we figured we would talk about what we normally do, superheroes.

In the end we never developed quirks, but I still think that me and Izuku can be the greatest heroes, we just have to put in a lot more effort than everyone else. Izuku was showing me his notebook and all the recent information he added into it. "Ah, Izu-kun even though you don't have a quirk I think you're so cool, I mean look at how great you are at collecting information. You're so smart and cool" I said praising him.

Even though everyone makes fun of us for being quirk less I think that's what makes Izuku even more amazing. Nobody really believes that Izuku can do it, and he's bullied all the time about, but he keeps trying and doesn't give up hope that's why I will support him no matter what. Also somewhere along the past years I began to develop feelings for him, but that's a secret.

Izuku turned bright red after hearing my word of praise. "T-Thank you for all the support you have given me (Y/N), even though nobody really believes in me you keep supporting me and.... *Muttering thing that Izuku does*." I began laughing at how cute Izuku was, I just kissed him on his check and walked into the classroom. I've been his friend for 10+ years now so it's ok if I do something like that right?

Izuku walked in behind me looking like a tomato and sat down next to me. Thankfully me and Izuku sit right next to each other, is quirk less people gotta stick together. All the kids were seated and class began, but I didn't focus on anything besides the green haired boy sitting right next to me. I was in lala land until I heard Katsuki shouting at Izuku. After that class ended soon and I left to go to the bathroom. "Izu-kun I'm going to go to the bathroom I will be back in a little bit to walk home with you" I said. He just nodded in return as I began walking towards the John(lol I felt like I wrote bathroom too much so I changed it up).

*Timeskip to when you are walking back to the classroom*

As I was getting ready to enter the classroom I heard Katsuki's voice "You're so useless you might as well go jump off the roof" was all I heard him say before he walked out. I glared at him, how dare that bastard say such horrible things to Izuku. I decided it was best not to start anything, so I walked in to see Izuku crying. I will beat the shite out of Katsuki for making him cry. "Izu-kun what did Katsuki do this time" I said sadly as I hugged him. Izuku cries a lot, but then again so do I(tru dat).
We sat like that for a little bit until we got up and began walking home. When we found Izuku's  notebook I saw him sadly pick it up as we began walking home.

*another Timeskip till after everything happens with All Might because this is a one shot not a story and ain't nobody got time for dat*

After everything that happened with All Might I felt bad for Izuku. Why does nobody believe in him? "Izu-kun I know you won't do anything stupid like Kacchan told you to do, but please don't give up on your dream no matter what anyone says" I started as tears began forming in my eyes. Izuku noticed this and instantly began hugging me. "I know nobody supports you but I think you can do it, I know you you can become a great hero, so please don't give up your dream. I love you too much to let you give up just because of what people say" I stated as tears began steadily flowing out of my eyes.

Izuku's eyes were watering and then his face turned tomato red as he realized that I confessed to him. "(Y-Y/N)  you don't have to worry, I won't give up on my dreams because I l-love you too" he stated passionately. He than began muttering about something, but that didn't matter to me. I then cut Izuku off with a kiss. "mutter mutter mutter mutter mut- mphm." Izuku was a bit shy at first but then he began kissing me back passionately. We then pulled apart from each other panting for air and blushing. "(Y-Y/N) I-I love you, w-will you be my g-girlfriend" he stuttered out. "A-ah of course I will be your girlfriend Izuku, I-I love you too" I said. We then ran off to where we heard to explosions earlier just like normal, but this time we were running hand in hand.


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