Saiki Kusuo~~Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan

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--AN-- Hello Everyone! This was requested by @DemonKingOikawa. It's going to be in your POV ,but I am going to include some of Saiki's thoughts since he has telepathy.I really hope I don't make it confusing by doing that. Also I hope you like coffee because I just realized I pretty much made the story revolve around coffee and coffee jelly. Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!

   I was sitting in class letting my mind wander as one of the most important things of life popped into my mind. Coffee jelly. 'Man I really want some coffee jelly right now, maybe I will go to Cafe Mami after school. Oh, maybe I will invite Saiki, since I know he loves coffee jelly too' I thought. 'Normally I would say no if someone invited me somewhere, but this is coffee jelly we are talking about and I am quite fond of (Y/N)'Saiki thought after hearing you. 

For the rest of class I sat there focusing on the lesson, since I now have my after school plans worked out. Once the bell rang and we were dismissed I walked over to Saiki's desk and began speaking to him "Hey Saiki, do you want to go to Cafe Mami with me?" He looked at me for a second and responded a simple "Sure." We both finished packing up our stuff as we began walking towards the cafe. I was quite happy that Saiki agreed to come because he usually says no whenever someone invites him to do something. That and I might have a crush on him.

Once we got to the cafe we ordered what we wanted an then sat there in silence. Although it wasn't awkward silence, this is usually how things go between us since we are both reserved people and we are content with just being near each other. Saiki and I are actually pretty good friends. We usually go to the cafe with each other on the weekend, but I really wanted coffee jelly so I figured might as well ask him. "Saiki can I have a sip of your coffee" I spoke up. "Yeah sure" he responded. Saiki got a cappuccino, while I got a (Favorite coffee or drink of choice).  I have my own coffee, but I always like to take a sip of Saiki's coffee because why not.

'(Y/N) you know that I have telepathy right?' I heard Saiki's voice in my head. 'So I was right, I thought that I had just watched too much anime so I was making up weird theories about you having supernatural powers' I thought. 'You have been watching too much anime, but I do have supernatural powers. Don't tell anyone about this' He said back to me. Okay, who would have though I would be sitting here eating coffee jelly and talking to Saiki in my head. This is so freaking weird but cool at the same time.

'I got it I won't tell anyone about your powers, as long as you pay for my coffee jelly' I thought while smirking in my head. 'How about instead I take you out on a date' he responded. I blushed immediately after hearing his words. 'I don't want to go on a date if you don't actually like me because then the date has no meaning' I stated. 'I am actually quite fond of you (Y/N), so it's not a meaningless date' he answered. 'Well then of course I will go on a date with you' I responded while trying not to die of happiness. "(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend" He spoke out loud. Once again my face turned tomato red as I answered "I never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth, and yes I will be your girlfriend." 

We then payed the bill and began walking home. I decided I would stay the night at Saiki's house since I didn't feel like walking to my house, since it's farther than Saiki's. Once we got to his house we were greeted by his parents who squealed in excitement when they saw us holding hands. "Ah Ku-chan got a girlfriend" "Oh and it's (Y/N)-chan too, she's such a kind girl" Is what they said to us. After that the began talking about how we reminded them of themselves when they first fell in love, and then they procceded to do that weird lovey dovey thing the do.

When we got to Saiki's room and I knew his parents couldn't hear me I said "Saiki as much as I love you, I hope we never end up so lovey dovey like them " He nodded and said "It's good to care about your partner, but they're idiots and they take it too far." I just laughed at how Saiki can insult his parents so easily, but everything he said is true. We then watched a couple of movies and soon it was night time and we were both getting ready for bed.

We decided to just share his bed, so we were just laying there cuddling each other waiting to doze off into a deep sleep. Saiki then softly spoke right as I was about to fall asleep "I probably won't say this often, but I love you (Y/N)." I then softly responded to him "I love you too Saiki" as I fell asleep.


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