Nico Robin~~ One Piece

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Hello everyone! I am back with another request by Azureman136, and this time I am writing about Robin. I am actually re-watching OP right now and I just finished the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc and gosh dang the feels all over again. I just wanted to give poor Robin a hug and tell her that her life does matter. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it!

It is over. We finally rescued Robin from the hands of the CP9 and world government. My smile couldn't disappear as the Going Merry sailed us to freedom, but the whole time all I could do was focus on the woman we rescued. I am not an official member of the Straw Hats, but I happened to run into them at Water 7. I got along well with them, and they told me all about how they were trying to find their friend Nico Robin. I loved her, no I still do love her but I am sure she hates me because I was the one who ended our previous relationship. I hate myself for it, I left Robin all alone but I broke up with her hoping that she would be able to achieve her dream. We were only young at the time and I was still weak, I wouldn't be able to help protect her from the danger that comes from hunting the poneglyphs. All this time, I trained and trained and I began to sail out to sea in hopes of possibly finding her again to apologize.

That's how I ended up here. I ended up with the Straw Hats because this is what I trained for. To protect the person I fell in love with from the government that wants her so badly. Unfortunately, all of my courage disappeared as I saw Robin right in front of me. I always thought it would be easy to apologize to her and make up, but all my words are lost. Now probably wasn't the best time to start drama anyways, she just got saved by her friends so I wouldn't want to ruin her happiness. I sighed softly as the crew was as lively as ever, it definitely didn't see like just minutes ago we were close to dying at Enies Lobby. The happiness didn't last long as the painful truth was broken to the crew that the Going Merry's adventures would have to come to an end. I watched everything play out and I couldn't help but tear up at the loss of their dear friend. The poor Straw Hats got Robin back but lost the Merry.

*Timeskip to when they are back on Water 7*

It was anything but peaceful as I sat near Luffy while he showed off his amazing technique of eating whilst sleeping. I couldn't help but laugh as Sanji continued to bring out plates of food that were devoured instantly. "(Y/N)-SWANNNNN your laughter makes my heart race, and the sun cannot compare the the brightness of your smile" Sanji fawned over me as I just continued to laugh at the actions of the two men. "Sanjiiiii *Snot bubble pops* more food...." Luffy muttered in his sleep. "Geez, it still amazes me how he can eat so much food" Sanji said as he continued to cook amazing dishes. "When Robin and Chopper come back with more groceries I will make you some fresh food (Y/N)-swan" "Okay, thank you Sanji-kun" "ANYTHING FOR YOU MY LOVELY MADEMOISELLE" Sanji shouted as his eyes turned to hearts.

Suddenly the doors opened, as Chopper and Robin came back from their trip into town. Robin's eyes met mine and it felt like time stopped. No words were exchanged between us, as I got up and left the room avoiding Robin as much as possible. The Straw Hats don't know about our past together, so they don't realize that I have been trying to avoid Robin. As I left I saw Marines heading towards the place where the Straw Hats were recovering, but I continued walking as I knew that they had so much luck things will probably work out.

I didn't have a destination in mind as I continued wondering through the city of Water 7. I wold occasionally stop to help people with their reconstruction, and along the way I stopped at book store. I could spend hours reading book after book, because there are so many different stories and things to learn about through books. I smiled softly at the few archaeology books that the store has as my thoughts immediately went to Robin. I really need to just get the courage and talk to her, nothing will change unless we talk things out. I payed for the book as I walked to a clearing near the ocean. It was quiet, and peaceful there so I could read my newly bought book. A few page in, I heard footsteps approaching and as I turned to identify the person I saw her. Robin was standing there with a serious look on her face, and I knew that I couldn't escape from this conversation.

Her hands popped out and kept me from running away. "(Y/N) you can't keep avoiding me" Robin spoke. "I know I can't" I spoke looking down avoiding eye contact. "If you know that then let's talk" she softly said. "Robin I'm so sorry" tears began pouring out my eyes "I missed you so much, but I knew you would be better of without me Robin. You have your dream and I would have been too weak to protect you, so I decided to call it off. I never wanted to break up with you and I realize I was an idiot for it. I should have told you how I felt and what I was thinking rather than just breaking up with you and leaving." Her eyes began to water as she vocalized her thoughts "I missed you too. I forgive your actions (Y/N), you thought you were doing what was best for me. In the end it all worked out, I made really great friends who cherish me and this might have not happened if we didn't part ways then....  Why don't we try again (Y/N)."

The hands that held me back disappeared and I embraced the tall woman (Did you know Robin is 6'2"?). Everything changed at that moment. The weight on my shoulders was finally lifted as relief filled me knowing I was forgiven. "Robin... Now that I have you I promise that I won't ever let go again" I said looking into her eyes. I got a small smile in return from her as our hands intertwined with one another and it felt like they fit together like puzzle pieces. I picked up my book as we began walking back to where the rest of the crew was. "(Y/N), I think you should do something to seal that promise" Robin stated. I couldn't help but smile as I knew exactly what she meant. I pulled Robin down to my height as our lips met in a passionate kiss. Years and years of feelings were poured into the kiss as we finally reunited. I can't wait for the adventures to come now that I can be by Robin's side again.


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