Vinsmoke Sanji ~~ One Piece

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Recently there hasn't been any requests (which may be a good thing because I was jam packed with work), but I just finished an English course which kinda inspired me to hop back on and write again. With the Whole Cake Arc happening, I just felt like making a Sanji fluff. You will make chocolate chip cookies, but you can pretend that you are making another type of cookie if you don't like them. Thank you for reading, I hope you guys like it!

"Sannnnnnjiiiiiii~~~~" I whined as I lie on my back on the Sunny's deck, enjoying the slight breeze. "Yes (Y/N)-swannn~~" Sanji cried out in response, with hearts instantly appearing in his eyes. I rolled over onto my stomach, and I looked up towards Sanji with a smile on my face. "Let's make cookies tomorrow morning, before Luffy wakes up so he doesn't eat them all," I giggled at the thought of Luffy being angry that we didn't share cookies with him.  Sanji blushed slightly, and I knew he was probably thinking about things other than baking cookies with me in the morning. He soon snapped out of his thoughts and responded, "Of course we can (Y/N)-swan, what time do you want to make them?" "Hmmm, maybe at 4 or 5. Luffy is never up that early" I responded.

It soon became silent as Sanji went to go make a refreshing drink and I kept watch as we waited for the crew to return. Right now, Sanji and I are in charge of watching the Sunny while everyone goes to get supplies and explore. There was another island that we recently stopped on, so Sanji didn't need to go to replenish our food supply. He got stuck with me, because Luffy immediately rocketed himself onto the island and dragged Zoro with him. After that Nami got pissed, and as soon as we docked in the port she dragged Usopp and Chopper with her to go find our numbskull captain and vice captain. Then just Franky, Brook, Robin, Sanji, and me were left. Robin went to go see if there was any interesting history on the island, Franky wanted to get more materials, and Brook wanted to go see street performers. Sanji, being as kind he is, was willing to stay and I love being with Sanji so I decided to stay too.

That is why I am just relaxing on the Sunny's deck enjoying the peace and quite before the rest of the crew comes back. I enjoy time with the crew, but it is nice to relax every once and a while and enjoy some alone time. Well I am not completely alone, but I could always be with him. I shut my eyes, and listened to the world around me. I soon heard footsteps and I knew that Sanji was approaching. My eyes fluttered open and I was greeted by Sanji's face smiling at me. "Sorry (Y/N)-swan if I woke you, I brought you a smoothie for you to enjoy while you are relaxing." "It's okay Sanji, I was just closing my eyes. Thank you for the smoothie," I spoke as I took the smoothie. I went to one of the chairs on the deck, and sipped on the drink as I watched Sanji light a cigarette. When it comes to me and Sanji, he is always a lot more calm than when he is with Nami and Robin. I savor the moments like this that me and Sanji have.

He seemed to be enjoying the peace too. Sanji loves cooking, but with a captain who has a bottomless pit for a stomach, he needs a break from being demanded to cook food. A smile was on his face as his eyes gazed out into the ocean. Staring wasn't something I did, but when it comes to Sanji I can't ever look away. "You're so amazing" I whispered without thinking. I blushed as I realized I said it out loud, but I don't think that Sanji heard me because he didn't do anything besides release a breath of smoke. He wouldn't blush, or think anything special even if he did right? I sighed softly, because I knew the pervy cook would never be mine forever. Sanji continued to inhale and exhale the smoke from his cigarette, while observing the ocean's silky waves. I hummed a random tune before grasping the drink with both hands, and gulping down the contents. I sat the glass back on the small table we had between the chairs, and I stood up while reaching towards the sky. I let out a small groan as I stretched after being sat down for so long.

Sanji turned around and locked eyes with me as he was curious about what I was doing "What are you doin-" I cut him off as I sprinted towards the surprised blonde. A thud was heard as I tackled the love cook with a hug. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at Sanji's startled face. My laughter soon spread as he returned my embrace and chuckled at my childish antics. I frequently show affection like this towards all of the crew members, because I just love being close with all of my friends. "SANNNNJIIIIII! (YYYYYYY/NNNNNN)! WE ARE BACKKKK!" Shouted the voice of our captain. I unwillingly let go and clambered off of Sanji to run over to where the crew was coming from. A smile coated my face as I saw the crew returning, knowing I would have a fun filled night.


I cracked my eyes open, and adrenaline pumped through me. It was time to wake Sanji up so we could bake cookies together. I smiled and quickly grabbed some clips to put my hair up in a bun before sprinting to the boy's room. I stopped outside the door and went into my sneaky mode. I slowly opened the door, and approached Sanji's cot. I poked him softly on his cheek, and he lazily opened his eyes. I smiled brightly as he quietly got out of his cot. I grasped his hand and dragged him out of the room into the kitchen, shutting the door behind me quietly. "Good morning (Y/N)-swan" he spoke softly with a raspy tone as sleep had not left him yet. I mentally fangirled at this situation, as he was clad in casual sweat pants and a hoodie, and he had a raspy morning voice.

"Good morning Sanji~~" I sang out quietly as I gave him his daily morning hug. A blush covered his sleepy face, as he held me tightly. "I might fall back asleep if we keep hugging" I mumbled to Sanji. He chuckled and released me, as he grabbed two aprons for the both of us. I swooped the apron over my heard, and tied it quickly as the tiredness left me. "Do you want to make chocolate chip cookies?" Sanji inquired. I nodded eagerly, as I couldn't wait to eat the gooey, chocolaty sweets. I began gathering the ingredients, and Sanji got bowls to mix the ingredients in. First we combined the dry ingredients together, then we whipped the butter and sugar together. Next was the eggs and vanilla, then we mixed the dry and wet ingredients together. My favorite part was the final part, I always snuck some chocolate chips as we measured them out to add to the cookies. I heard a chuckle come from behind me, as Sanji had caught me sneaking come of the chocolaty goodness. I pretended to do nothing wrong as I finished incorporating the chocolate chips into the dough.

We babbled about any and every topic, as we did the most tedious part of rolling the dough into little circles and placing them on the trays. Quite laughter was continuously heard through the ship, as the sun began to awake from its rest. Sunlight began to suffuse though the room, as the trays of cookies finished up. I pulled out the last sheet and smiled at what I had done secretly without Sanji noticing. "Sanji, look at the special cookie I made for you" I spoke as I handed him a heart shaped cookie. "Why is it in the shape of a heart?" he questioned, before he jumped to the conclusion that I was confessing to him. I blushed as I calmed my pounding heart. "You know Sanji, I love being with you. I treasure every moment I with you, whether it be during bad times or good times." My face burned, and my heart was thumping in my chest harder than before. "My heart races when I am with you, I get jealous when you flirt with girls and they flirt back, and I want to be by your side always" I spoke as my words became quieter as I continued. Gathering as much courage as I could muster up, I finished my thoughts, "I gave you a heart shaped cookie, b-because you have stolen my heart. I-I-I love you Sanji."

It was silent as Sanji stood quietly, to shocked to speak after hearing my confession. Suddenly, his hand grasped my waist and pulled me closer to him. His other hand made its way up to my face as he rested it on my cheek, making sure I looked directly at him. The scent of cigarettes and cookies filled my lungs, and I could only focus on the man in front of me. "(Y/N), I never want to spend a moment apart from you, and I would rather have you than all of the women in this world," he took a deep breath and continued, "I love you too." Blushes cover both of our faces from the confessions, and the little space between us. We shared a passionate kiss, that made it clear to me that this was not a dream. My hands snaked their way over his shoulders and into his soft, blonde locks. He grasped me around the waist and pulled me as close as he possibly could.

Sadly, we had to pull away from our intense kiss to take a breath. We stayed close to one another, with smiles stuck on our face. I began laughing out of happiness, because I couldn't wait to spend many more days with my wonderful chef by my side. Our hands entwined, and we just stayed still staring longingly at one another. A sudden cry from our captain removed us from our romantic moment. "SANJIIIIIII I WANT FOOOOOODDDDDD," we both sighed and I quickly devoured as many cookies before Luffy inhales them all. "SHUT UP YOU IDIOT" was heard from the girl's room and Luffy flinched thinking he would be hit by Nami. I giggled at the conversation between them, before grabbing Sanji's hand again and pecking him on the lips. "We can continue later (Y/N)-swan" Sanji whispered into my ears causing me to blush deeply. I love my pervy cook so much.  

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