Kuroko Tetsuya~~ Kuroko no Basket

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--AN-- Hello everyone, I have recently been binge watching KnB and when I saw Kuroko's bed hair I had to write this. Is it just me or does he look adorable with bed hair XD?

"Good morning (Y/N)-chan" Kuroko said popping up out of nowhere. "Good morning Tetsu-kun" I responded. We are staying a hot spring resort, so that way everyone can relax from all the training we've done before the Winter Cup. This is our first day here, since we got here last night. That's why this is the first time I have seen something as adorable as this. I was just standing there at the vending machine trying to rescue the can of coffee that got stuck when Kuroko came and greeted me. He just sat on the bench next to me and watched me struggle to free the can. I finally got the can loose and I was finally able to properly greet my boyfriend. Yes,that's right Kuroko Tetsuya is my boyfriend, but that's not what's on my mind right now. What's really on my mind is three words. Kuroko's bed head.

"KYAAAAAAA, TETSU-KUN YOU LOOK SO CUTE" I fangirled. Kuroko didn't even flinch when I shouted that and attacked him with a hug. Instead he hugged me back, and just let me fangirl over how cute he looked. We just stayed like for a couple minutes until we were interrupted. "Ah, Tetsu~~ you look so cute" Momoi said as she glomped him. Kuroko did nothing about it, but it made me furious seeing her on him when he is my boyfriend. "Momoi please get off of my boyfriend" I said calmly. "Ah, but he looks so cute (Y/N)-chan" Momoi responded as she began pressing her breasts against him. 'Hey that's not fair, stop trying to use your breasts to seduce my boyfriend' I thought. "Tetsu-kun, it's still early so lets go back to bed and cuddle" I said. "Okay (Y/N)-chan, lets go" Kuroko said emotionlessly as he freed himself from Momoi's grasp.

I grabbed my can of coffee and me and Kuroko began walking to our shared room. I saved up money for this trip, so that way we could have a separate room. What don't judge me, I want to spend as much time as possible with Kuroko. Also because of all the training they did Kuroko was always either too busy, or too tired to hang out with me. It was silent as we walked into our room, but I've gotten used to this kind of silence, so it's no longer awkward. Tetsu and I got in the bed and began cuddling. This wasn't new to us since this was the way Kuroko showed his emotions. Kuroko isn't the kind of boy who is constantly saying 'I love you' or always complementing you, instead he cuddles with me a lot and he gives me kisses all the time. "Goodnight (Y/N)""Goodnight Tetsu-kun" we said before we dozed off.(Would it be good night or good morning, since it's still early morning??)

*Time skip to when they wake up*

"Oi, It's time for you to wake up we have stuff to do" Riko shouted at us. "Ah, Riko-chan you don't have to shout at us" I said as I sat up. When me and Kuroko sat up we saw the whole team standing in our room along with Momoi. I saw Momoi eyeballing my boyfriend and I knew she was going to do something. She began running towards us an it looked like she was going to glomp Kuroko again. No, no, no, not in my house(XD). I Then pushed Kuroko back down and rolled on top of him.Now kuroko was laying back down on the futon(?) and I was looking directly at him as I layed on top of him. Momoi fell and quickly got up and ran out most likely embarrassed. "Oi, we know you're a couple, but don't do stuff like that in front of us" Hyuga said.

Me and Kuroko didn't get what he was talking about until we realized what position we were in. We both began blushing and I quickly got off of Kuroko. "You dumbass, we weren't doing anything like that. I just wanted to protect my boyfriend from being glomped by Momoi" I responded while my cheeks continued to burn. "What we came here to say is that we are going to go to the beach that is near here and hang out there all day, and you guys are coming with us" Riko said. "Oh, that sounds like fun, just give us like ten minutes and we will be ready" I said happily. "Ok, we will be waiting outside of the resort" Riko responded. Me and Kuroko quickly threw on some warm clothes and headed towards the beach.

*Time skip to when they get to the beach*

It was only about a five minute walk from the resort to the beach. The beach had soft sand and crystal blue waters, it looked beautiful with the Sun shining down on it. We all setup some chairs , and we began messing around. It was winter time so we weren't stupid enough to try and go in the water, but we still wanted to explore the beach. The boys headed over to a Volleyball court and decided to try playing it. I sat there and watched them fail miserably, they might be good Basketball players but they can't play Volleyball to save their lives. I just sat there and chuckled as they practiced for a couple hours, until they finally got the hang of it. "OI, IDIOTS IF YOU'RE GONNA PRACTICE AT LEAST PRACTICE BASKETBALL" Riko shouted at them. The boys all freaked out thinking that Riko was going to hurt them, and decided to stop playing.

It was around sunset time when Hyuga spoke up "Okay everyone, we decided that we are just going to pick up some food and eat it here instead of heading back to the resort to eat, or making our own food. We don't want to set up all of our chairs and stuff again, so (Y/N) and Kuroko are going to stay behind and watch our stuff." Me and Kuroko just nodded our heads and went with their plan, as they all left leaving us alone. "It's kind of strange how the all went, and decided we would be the ones to stay" Kuroko spoke softly. "Maybe they felt bad for interrupting our cuddle time earlier. Speaking of which, you still have a lot of time to make up for" I said jokingly as I tackled Kuroko with a hug. As always Kuroko hugged me back, and then I just lied down next to him. It was very peaceful as me and Kuroko just lied down next to each other, cuddling, as we stared at the sunset.

It was very cheesy, but I love moments like this. "Isn't the sunset beautiful"I said breaking the silence Kuroko just nodded in return and began blushing. Why is Kuroko blushing? Kuroko turned to look at me and then spoke up "I love you (Y/N)." He then leaned in and kissed me. We stayed like this until we ran out of air and had to pull apart. "I love you too Tetsu-kun" I said as we began dozing off once again, forgeting about our job.

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