Shigeo Kageyama(Mob)~~ Mob Psycho 100

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--AN-- Hello everyone, this was requested by @kingoftehbirds. I'm so sorry that this took so long. Also the writing might be weird because I am running off of 4 hours of sleep, and I get weird when I'm tired. Thank you so much for being patient with me. Once again I'm sorry, but I hope you like it!

*ring ring* Hearing the sound of the school bell ringing made me feel ten times happier knowing school was out. I sat in my seat waiting for most of the people to leave, so I wouldn't be stuck in the crowded hallways. I packed up my stuff and walked over to my best friends seat. His name was Shigeo Kageyama, also know as 'Mob'.

"Hey Mob, are we going to hang out after the we go to club," I said happily. "Yeah, what do you want to do after club," He responded. "I don't know, maybe we could just wander around the park or something" I suggested. He nodded in response and proceeded to get out of his seat, walking out into the hallways. As we were walking to the body improvement club we walked past Tsubomi. The minute we walked past her Mob's eyes directed their attention to her. Anger began bubbling up inside of me, but on the outside I looked very calm. I need to just accept the fact that Mob will never love anyone besides Tsubomi. I just sighed and kept walking.

*Timeskip to after club* 

I changed out of my P.E. clothes and walked back into the club room, where I saw Mob on the phone. Mob said good-bye to whoever he was talking to, and began talking to me. "Sorry (Y/N), Master called and said he had a job for me so I won't be able to hang out today." I feel like I was just crushed. I really wanted to hang out with him today, but if he has work I can't really do anything about that.

I sighed softly "That's okay, I hope that you job goes well," I replied with a smile. He nodded and then walked out of the room. I am going to kill Reigen. I sighed once more, but this time it sounded very angry. I said good-bye to everyone and then began running to the park, where we were originally going to go.

Once I got to the park I sat down in a bench shaded, and away from the crowded part of the park. I sat on the peaceful bench and enjoyed the silence. The silence was then interrupted by my sobs. I had no chance against Tsubomi. She is one of the prettiest girls at our school, and Mob has been interested in her since they were kids. I was just Mob's best friend.

Even though I love Mob more than Tsubomi ever will and at least I acknowledge him, unlike Tsubomi. He will never love me (Don't worry buddy, this is a fanfic, it almost always works out in the main characters' favor). "Hey (Y/N), why are you crying" I heard a familiar voice. I sighed and began glaring at the smug person standing in front of me.

Reigen. "You know why I'm crying" I responded harshly. "Here I was asking how you were doing, and you treat me like this." He sighed when he realized how bad of a mood I was in. "It's just a stupid teenager crush, you will grow up and not even remember this" He spoke. "I don't think I would completely forget this. I would just move on, but right now this is really bothering me" I spoke.

He sighed once again(So much sighing wyd Author-chan, expand your vocabulary)"If it's bothering you that much than just tell him how you feel" he said with a hint of anger in his voice (Probably sick of having to comfort you). "You know what, I am going to confess to him" I declared. Reigen gave me a look of disbelief and just shrugged his shoulders as he walked off. 

Not only is he a phony, but it looks like I can't ask him for advice either. I then called Mob, so I could meet up and talk to him. He said that he had already finished up the job and that he would come and hang out with me. I just waited on the park bench, and I soon saw Mob heading towards me. He sat down next to me and we both just simply said 'hello', letting silence take over.

"Mob there is something important I need to say to you," I took a deep breath "I like you a lot!" A blush was spread across my face and is soon spread across Mob's. "(Y/N) I--" "I know you love Tsubomi, but this has really been bothering me and I needed to get it off my chest" I interrupted. 

"(Y/N), I-I like you too" Mob responded, baffling me. "But you were staring at her in the hallways earlier today," I responded. "W-Well I just noticed that you were a lot prettier that her," he said shyly. "T-Then please let me be your girlfriend," I exclaimed. Our faces turned redder(Is it me or does the word 'redder' look weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) and Mob nodded in response, to embarrassed to say anything.

We both calmed down and said our good-byes as we walked home. I say walk, but I ran all the way home in excitement over what just happened. A smile was plastered on my face and I was looking forward to school tomorrow. Yes, I was looking forward to school, SCHOOL(I wish I felt like this). That's how happy being with him makes me.

~~The End

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