How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy)

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Hey, so I have put my jacob story on hiatus because I wasn't getting a good response on it. I got really into Harry Potter fan fics stet reading really good ones by Glitterintheair and unique-goddess, two authors you should check out. So I am going to attempt one that came to me in a dream actually, if you can believe it. I think reading fan fics before bed is a bad idea lol. Anyway, how you like it. Please vote and comment, and *gulp* fan?


'Goodbye, America.' I whispered as the plane soared off into the ocean toward my new life. For only being 15, I had stared a new life a few too many times. My name is Jezabel Hawthorne, and I'm a witch.

But not just any witch. I am what the headmaster of my old school called a 'triple threat', because not only am I a witch, bit I'm also a metamorphmagi, and a pretty gifted seer. See, triple threat. I never met my parents, Jack and Helene Hawthorne. They were killed in the first wizard war. Yeah, America was involved too. I spent the first 11 years of my life in a small orphanage in Georgia that only catered to non-muggle adoption. I had to, because if a Muggle parent, say, saw my hair changing colors at random, done questions may have arisen.

But, on my 11th birthday I was visited by Professor Higgins from the Southland school of wizardry, and he took me in. He found me a home with a Squib couple, the Vukovs, a couple from Germany. I loved Southland school though. Being surrounded by people like me, it was like a breath of fresh air to me.

The vukovs were nice people, most of the time. They were mildly resentful of me, though. The fact that I could do magic, extensive magic for my age, way beyond what a the average underage wizard should be able to accomplish, seemed to make their resentment worse. Higgins said it was my strong magical blood background. Both my parents came from strong, pureblood families, and joined the war to fight with Voldemort to keep it that way. I never admit the fact that ny parents were death eaters to anyone. I didn't buy into to the purist crap that a lot of the families at Southland were into.

But, I am getting off point here. Enough about the past. I should be telling you why I am on a plane bidding adeui to the life Io just finished telling you I loved so much. Because, I saw a vision of the future. Voldemort had returned, and I was supposed to help Harry Potter defeat him.

Chapter 1, Weasleys and Lightning

I pulled my trunk behind me slowly, my midnight owl, Jazz hooting ruefully from his cage. I looked again at the ticket I had received at my hotel room, confirming that it did, in fact, say 9 3/4, and that old wizard Dumbledore wasn't just finally off his antique rocker.

I sighed, wandering past the separation between platforms 9 and 10, tossing my, today, onyx hair behind my shoulders with a huff and sitting down onto my trunk. I was officially lost at a train station in London with no one to call for help.

A pair of red haired twins approached me, smiling. I eyed then warily, reaching slowly not for my wand, but for the blade on my hip.

'Oi. Are you lost?' One twin asked with a smile. 'We are always up for a little damsel in distress action, aren't we, Fred?' The other twin smiled at me then to his brother. The one called Fred nodded.

'But of course, George. I am going to assume from that lovely owl you are packing, that you can't find the platform, eh?' Fred and George both winked at me at the same time. It was cute as well as a tiny but unnerving. I chuckled softly and stood.

'The owl gave me away, did it? Well, I am all that more pleased I brought him. Fred, George, my name is Jezabel. And yes, I am having platform locating issues.' I said, rather quickly. Higgins always told me I needed to slow down when I spoke, and this confirmed it. Both boys stared at me like I had grown a second face before, I think it was Fred, extended his hand to me.

[Wattys '13 FINALIST] How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now