How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 11

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Onward to victory! Or just to chapter 11, it's up to you.

BTW, I casted Cristina Scabbia as Jez, and if it worked, there is a picture of her on the side. If it didn't work, she is the lead singer of Lacuna Coil.

Chapter 11 Detention sure is different in Europe


"Can't I just hate him for a little while longer, Drake? Please?" I pouted. Draco chuckled and walked me to the door to the girl's dormitory.

"Fine, but only til breakfast tomorrow. Which you will join me for." He gave me a cocky smirk.

"We'll see." I replied, which made the smirk falter.

"Maybe this will convince you." He took a step toward me, closing the gap between us quickly before crashing his lips to mine.

Draco's lips were soft against my own, his breath cool. The electric spark I felt every time our skin touched surged through my body like wildfire. I felt myself melting into him, but suddenly something that George said on the train flashed into my head.

"Aside from being the son of a Death Eater and an all around git, Malfoy is a total player. Runs through girls left and right. He's probably at least snogged nearly every girl in the school."

"If just that." Fred chimed up.

"Be careful, Jez. He's bound to go after you. You're like a shiny new toy he has to add to his collection. Unless you get into Gryffindor, like us. He won't touch a Gryff girl."

"I could only be so lucky." I had said.

I pushed Malfoy away from me. He fell back against the wall, shocked. I slapped him across his face.

"Malfoy, you egotistical jerk! What the hell? Now I need to be vaccinated!" I wiped my hand across my mouth theatrically before storming up the stairs to the girl's dormitory, leaving Malfoy against the wall dumbstruck.

I spent the next few weeks avoiding Draco Malfoy as much as humanly possible. I stuck Seamus with being his partner in Divination, and made a point to not speak when we were partnered in any other classes, which, because Merlin hated me for some reason, we were 99.99% of the time. Fred and George seemed to notice my quiet demeanor and asked me about it at lunch, exactly two weeks after the kiss.

"What's up with you, Jez?" George asked, sliding next to me at the Slytherin table, earning a few glares from my house mates. No one was dumb enough to say anything after what happened to Malfoy, though.

"You haven't sat with us at meals in three days." Fred continued, sliding in on my other side. I grinned and shrugged.

"You can't miss me that much, darlings. I've just been crushed by the weight of all these advanced classes. Go on with out me, loves. Save yourselves!" I shouted, throwing my torso onto the table and reaching toward the ceiling. I shuddered and went limp, playing dead.

It was safe to say that the whole of Hogwarts had grown accustom to my random loud outbursts, and most of them were no longer phased by it. All except Dolores Umbridge. Now, I am not one to use the word lightly, but I hated that woman. Just the sight of her fluffy pink toad face made my whole body tense in anger. You are probably wondering what would make me, Jez Hawthorne, everyone's friend, use the word hate. I forgot to tell you what happened in detention those three days she knocked me for.

I will only divulge into one, because those three, and all the ones she had given me since, were about the same.

I walked into her classroom, and found the door to her office open halfway. I climbed the stairs and rapped lightly on the door.

"Come in, dear!" She squeaked, and I pushed open the door and gagged. The whole room was pink, and covered floor to ceiling with enchanted plates depicting kittens off all shapes and colors romping playfully and mewing. The sheer girliness of the room made my ovaries itch. I shuddered visibly and sat at the desk that was placed in the middle of the room. Umbridge smiled at me and I'm pretty sure I was officially diabetic. I returned the grin, and waited for her to speak.

"Good evening, dear. Thank you for being prompt. Now, I am going to have you write lines for me. Fairly simple, but straight forward and effective. I have placed quill and parchment on the desk. You will write 'I must not show off.'" She gave me another sickening smile, and returned to her reading.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but you haven't given me any ink, or told me how many times I should write it." I said, mocking her high-pitched voice.

"You won't need ink. And just write it until you feel the message has sunk in." She said without looking up. I sighed, picked up the fluffy pink quill in my left hand and started writing.

I wrote the first line. A self inking quill, I thought to myself. The ink was a dark shade of red. I sighed and stretched my right hand, which started to itch. I shook my head and wrote two more lines. My right hand started to throb. I wrote three more lines and it felt like my right hand was on fire. I looked and a small gasp escaped my lips. The letters I had been repeating on the page, in my own, loopy handwriting, were etching themselves onto the skin of my right hand. Umbridge stood at my side with a smile that reminded me of that murderous clown from those Muggle horror books.

"All right, dear?" She asked with mock concern.

"Peachy." I spat back through gritted teeth.

All three detentions played out the same. I had taken to wearing fingerless gloves to hide the words that were now scarred into my hand. I managed to land at least one detention a week with Umbridge. She was obviously not a fan.

But, back to lunch with the twins. How did I even get on the subject of the fluffy pink toad, anyway? Oh, that's right, my random outburst on the table caused her to jump and run to my seat with my fellow Slytherins.

"Miss Hawthorne, what seems to be the problem this time?" She said in her sugary murder voice.

"Not a thing, ma'am. See, I was just telling my friends here about the mass amount of homework I was drowning in, hence the..." I feigned death against the table once more, upturning a goblet of pumpkin juice, which splashed onto the floor. I waved my wand, quickly cleaning up the mess, but not before Umbridge's smile widened into maniacal.

"I think some time in detention tonight might settle your nerves, won't it? And ten points from Gryffindor for you two being out of place." She waved a pudgy hand at the twins before stalking off. I sighed.

"Sorry guys." I said with a pout. The twins hugged both sides of me.

"It's always worth it to see your lovely face, darling." George said with a chuckle.

"We were bound to lose those points for some reason our another." Fred said, ruffling my hair, which was bright green today, and fell down my back in ringlet curls. I chuckled and grabbed my bag, heading to the greenhouses for Herbology today, where, of course, I had to see Draco bloody fucking Malfoy.

I was almost to the door, when a strong hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty room. I brandished my wand, but it was yanked from my fingers with a quick "Expelliarmus!" before I was pinned to the wall.


I know, two cliffs in a row. Dangerous terrain, isn't it? I'll post chapter 12 tonight if I get three comments from three different people. Otherwise you'll have to wait. Jez might be a goner! Hurry! Someone's imaginary life depends on it!!

<3 D

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