How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 10

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Just so everyone knows, arty_writes is the most kick_ass person ever. I'm just saiyan.

Okay, I want to thank all of you for stocking with me this far! I can't believe we are already at chapter 10!! So to make up for the exceptionally short chapter 9, and to celebrate hitting DOUBLE DIGITS, I am pleased to bring you an extra superduperliciously long Chapter 10!! Full of drama, insight and 10 essential vitamins and minerals. Please comment, vote and fan!

Chapter 10 Who-what-huh? Really, now?

I decided to skip dinner and head straight to the dungeons with Professor Snape. I remember Harry telling me on the train that Snape was evil and hated everything, but I hadn't found him to be that bad. I wandered slowly toward the potions classroom, thinking about my first day at this school and how much had really happened in one day. I made new friends in Harry, Hermoine and the Weasleys, a pretty strong love interest in Fred, though I really needed to let that boy down easily. I was pretty sure Thomas was romantically interested, and then there was Draco-I mean Malfoy. What were we? Definitely weren't friends. I wouldn't go so far as to say we were enemies.

"I've never had a frenemy before..." I muttered to myself, twirling the enchanted lily Thomas has given me between my fingers. I rounded the corner and smashed hard into someone walking quickly in the other direction. I fell to the floor, my books scattering loudly across the stone.

"What- watch it, freak!" Spat the frenemy I had just been thinking about. I sighed and shook my head as he stormed off toward the Slytherin common room.

"I really should look up the definition of truce, because I apparently have it wrong." I said aloud, not even sure if he could still hear me. I waved my wand and my books floated back into my bag.

I walked into the Potions classroom. Snape was seated behind his desk, face low over some book. He glanced up when I walked in, but didn't speak.

"Skipping dinner too, Professor?" I asked, taking a seat and throwing my boots onto the table top. He looked up and raised his wand in one fluid movement before muttering "Legimens." I felt the familiar tickling of someone trying to enter my mind, but I pushed it back easily.

"Very good, Miss Hawthorne." He said before turning back to his reading.

"Do you have some kind of punishment for me?" I asked, though I wasn't sure why. He didn't respond, so I leaned back in my chair and sighed. I thought about all the warnings Harry, Ron and Hermoine had given me on the train. All the secret passages and exits out of the castle George had slipped me. The special warning they had all given me about Draco Malfoy. My thoughts wandered to him again. His deep, stormy eyes.

Suddenly I felt someone watching me, and I pushed back forcefully this time.

"Such an interest in Mr. Malfoy is really going to be distracting. I thought you had more willpower than to fall for the Malfoy charms." Snape said with a sneer. I growled.

"Stay out of my head. I wasn't ready!" I snapped, my hair turning a crimson red.

"If you are going to help the Potter boy defeat the Dark Lord, you have to always be ready, Jezabel. Legimens!" He shouted again. A vision of myself at age 9, holed up in the bathroom at the orphanage, crying after another attack on the "freak." I was covered head to toe in ketchup, mustard and random other condiments. I pushed him out of my head as hard as I could. Apparently I pushed too hard, because I fell into his.

I watched as a much younger Snape ran through the rain to a house I didn't recognize. The door flew open and a familiar looking woman opened it. She had long, wavy black hair and eyes the same shape as mine, but a silvery blue. She pulled Snape in from the rain and shut the door. A man was seated on the couch, his head in his hands. His hair was a dark blue, and was falling in front of his face.

[Wattys '13 FINALIST] How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now