How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 14

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So, has no one noticed I skipped Chapter 12? Oh well, I fixed it now. So, this is the actual Chapter 14

Chapter 14, I'm pretty sure that he sufferers from Wizard Bipolar Disorder

Draco and I finally got released that next morning, which was a Friday. As much as it pained me to admit it, I missed going to class. Fred and George kidnapped me as I was walking into the Great Hall with Draco for breakfast, and literally carried me to the Gryffindor table. I was dropped into a seat in between Hermoine and, to my surprise, Luna.

"Has my table jumping become a trend, now?" I asked with a laugh. Hermoine shook her head at me smiling, then suddenly dropped her eyes back to her book. I turned to see what had made her jump. Professor Umbridge was standing behind us, eying me with the familiar fluffy pink distaste.

"Miss Hawthorne. I'm so glad to see you are well. Already back to breaking the rules, I see. 20 points from Slytherin. Now kindly join your housemates. Same goes for you, Miss Lovegood. Ten points from Ravenclaw as well." She turned and waddled away from us and out of the hall.

I groaned and stood. I stepped up onto the bench I had been sitting on and cleared my throat.

"Farewell, my faithful companions. Though I may not be with you in body, may I remain with you in spirit. Until we meet again, adieu!" I bowed lowly, earning a laugh from my classmates and a glare from Snape at the staff table. We still weren't on wonderful terms.

I walked to the Slytherin table and sat next to Denae (my roommate, in case you forgot.) Snape walked over to me and bent to eye level.

"Detention, Miss Hawthorne. My office tonight at 7 o'clock." He said coldly.

"Oh joy." I muttered as he stalked away, his cloak flapping battily behind him. "He left so dramatically, you'd think he was on a stage." Denae chuckled and I picked up a piece of toast.

When I arrived at Divination, Draco was already sitting in one corner of the room, staring out the window of the high tower. I dropped down next to him, causing him to jump.

"Fuck, Hawthorne, don't do that to me!" He growled, then straightened his robes.

"Calm down, captain cranky. You don't need to go all last name on me, Malfoy." I slid away from him and sat on the other side of the table. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Why so glum, chum?"

"I'm fine." He muttered. I raised an eyebrow, but Draco wasn't looking at me.

"Don't lie to me, Drake. You are incredibly easy to read, darling." I grabbed his hand and turned his palm up to mine. "Did I ever tell you what I actually read on your palm that first day in here?" I asked as I ran my fingertips slowly across his skin. He shook his head, and I motioned for him to look. "This line here, says you will find your soul mate, but you come to a crossroads here. A wrong decision pushes her away. Or him, I'm not one to judge." I smirked, and Draco rolled his eyes. He pulled his hand away from me and stared back out the window.

"Everyone knows Divination is a bloody load of shit anyway." He grumbled, and I sighed.

"Whatever you say, Drake. Don't say I didn't warn you." Before I could continue, Trelawney called another boring lesson to order.

I trudged down toward the dungeons for Potions, Draco still sulking behind me. Fred stopped me near the entrance to the Great Hall. I was surprised when Draco stopped a few feet from us.

"Hey, Jez. I wanted to ask you something, if you have a tick?" He asked, all flustered again. I sighed and nodded, then leaned against a pillar. Draco waited a few feet from me, watching us warily.

"Well, I was wondering, y' know, if you were going to Hogsmeade tomorrow? I heard from George, who heard from Hermoine, who was told by Ginny that Luna overheard some 7th year Ravenclaw that you weren't going to go." He rambled off very quickly. I raised an eyebrow and very obviously counted on my fingers back through what he was saying.

"So...yes? No. Wait, what was the question?" I asked, shaking my head. I could see Draco smirking.

"I was wondering, if you wanted to go that is, um...if you would be my date to Hogsmeade on Saturday?" I had never seen or heard of Fred being this shy or nervous.

"Oh, well Fred, that is very sweet of you...umm..." Before I could think of a convincing lie as to why I wouldn't be going to Hogsmeade, Draco shoved past me.

"Wha- watch it! Oh, Hawthorne. I have a message for you from Snape. He wanted me to tell you he is moving your detention to tomorrow afternoon. Have fun in the dungeon while I have fun in Hogsmeade, freak." He smirked at me before stomping off toward the dungeon.

"Damn, Malfoy is a prat. I guess that answers that question." Fred grumbled. I sighed and nodded.

"I guess so. I'm sorry, darling." I patted his arm and he pulled me into a hug.

"No worries, love. There's always next month." He said with a grin and a wink. I smiled and bade goodbye before running toward the dungeons.

I slid into my seat next to Draco, who was smirking at me as I walked in. I mouthed 'Why?' at him, but Snape started class before I could get my answer. He assigned us to brewing a potion that cures frostbite before stomping back to his desk. I turned to Draco, who was cutting up some roots.

"Your idea is all fine and good, but what if they find out it was a lie?" I muttered to him as I crushed beetles for the potion.

"They won't. Just let me handle it." His voice was soft, and he wasn't looking at me.

"Why are you helping me, Draco?" I asked, still wishing he would look at me.

"Because that's what friends do for each other." He turned to me suddenly. "Speak of this to no one." He raised his silver knife menacingly. I choked back a giggle and nodded.

"I get chewed out for not wanting to be a couple, but heaven forbid the public know Draco bloody fucking Malfoy is merely friends with a blood traitor..." I mutter, but I know he heard.

"I realized you were right. Think of my reputation." Draco said bitterly, but I could see he was smiling.


I laid awake, thinking about what Jez had said.

"Dating me would really be that bad?" I asked. She sighed and laid back on her bed.

"Don't complicate things, Draco. We just aren't right for each other. I'm a blood traitor, remember? You're a purist. My entire group of friends all hate you, and you hate them. How would that work? Honestly. You'd have to change your entire outlook on life. There is so much drama waiting to happen there I can taste it. It tastes like cauliflower, you know, drama does. I don't like cauliflower."

Aside from being Jez-standard mental, it made sense. She was the exact opposite of what my parents, and her parents for that matter, stood for. Her best friend was a Mudblood. Could I really bring her home to Father?

I rolled over in the shitty hospital bed and looked at her, sound asleep and beautiful. There had to be a way. I want her, and I always get what I want.


I know, it's short. Drama at home. More tomorrow, promise :-)

<3 D

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