How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Famous? Since when?

I climbed the ladder to the Divination tower to find the classroom empty except for a tall, thin woman with huge glasses. She reminded me of a bug. She sat on a spindly stool in the corner, her eyes shut, humming. I slid silently onto a cushion on the other side of the room, trying not to disturb her. 

'Jezabel Hawthorne.' She said softly, her voice deep and husky, almost frightening. 

'Yes, ma'am?' I replied, barely above a whisper. 

'You are here on business. You are vital in the defeat of the Dark Lord. You must aid the boy in his quest to prevent our end. You must unite the houses. The fate of the Wizarding world depends on you!' She shouted the last two words, causing me to jump. 

'Sweet, so no pressure, then?' I muttered. The woman's eyes shot open then and she blinked. 

'Hello, dear. I am Professor Trelawney. Have we met?' I tilted my head to the side and eyed her. 

'Jez Hawthorne. I'm new.' I said softly. 

'Hawthorne?' She repeated. She paused before taking my hand. 'Yes, yes, Dumbledore told me you would be joining us this year. American? Exciting. Please, have a seat. Our NEWT class is very small. Only one other Slytherin. Here he is now.' My gaze followed hers to the trap door on the floor to my right. I rolled my eyes and say back onto my cushion with a sigh. 

'Of course it's you. My luck wouldn't be the same otherwise.' I grumbled.

'Miss me that much, freak?' Malfoy spat, sitting on the opposite side of the room. 

'But of course, darling. It was getting lonely in here without your ego to fill the room.' I smiled and he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 

'As if this class isn't bad enough, now I have to be stuck with you. Why are you in here anyway. I thought your 'better-than-everyone' attitude would put you in legitimate classes. Everyone knows Divination is just a slot-filler.' He eyed me slowly, his usually icy stare full of an emotion I couldn't place. 

'Well, if you must know, I am actually a fairly gifted Seer.' Before I could continue, Trelawney was clearing her throat, as if the two other students in the room were so rowdy. I recognized one as Seamus Finnegan, the Irish Gryffindor, and a blonde Hufflepuff girl I did not recognize. 

'As you all know, we have a new student today. Miss Hawthorne, as you know, is a Metamorphmagi. What you may not have known, is her mother, Helene, was one of the most famous Seers of the age, despite her dark choices.' The class all looked at me, but I pretended I did not feel their eyes, and stared at my fingernails. 'I expect we will have a very gifted student on our hands. With your strong family history, Miss Hawthorne, I expect nothing less than greatness. Pair up with Mr. Malfoy and do a palm reading. Good practice to get everyone back into the groove of things. 

Malfoy sighed and joined me at the small table. 

'So now you're famous, too? And I'm the one with the big ego.' He scoffed as he leaned back against the wall, his hands behind his head. 

' Hey, I never claimed to be famous. Just awesome. And everyone knows that part is true. I didn't even know anyone knew my mother until yesterday. Apparently she made quite a name for herself before moving to the states. Now, give me your hand.' I reached for Malfoy's arm and he rolled his eyes before extending his hand. I turned it over and ran my finger across his skin. He shuddered slightly from my touch as I followed the lines on his palm. 

Malfoy's eyes were closed while I did his reading. I stared at his palm for a few moments before making a noise. Malfoy's eyes opened and watched my face as my eyebrows scrunched together. 

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