How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Why do you always make me smile? I can't frickin' stand you!

I walked into advanced Potions slowly. I didn't get nearly enough sleep the night before, and had to skip breakfast in order to get to class on time. Dreams flashing between Harry and the first meeting of Dumbledore's Army, and a magical duel between Fred, Draco and Thomas kept me tossing and turning all night.

I slumped into my seat next to Malfoy. He glanced at me briefly, but didn't speak.

"Good morning to you too, Ferret." I spat. He hadn't said a word to me since bodily removing me from his dorm a few nights ago. He rolled his eyes.

"Wake up on the wrong side of the circus tent, freak?" He replied cooly.

"Yeah, the side with your presence on it. Stupid hat couldn't have put me in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw." I muttered, opening my potions book to see what we were brewing. Amortentia. Really? I rolled my eyes.

I walked to the store cupboard and removed the ingredients. I had never brewed this powerful love potion before, but potions were always my strongest subject. I looked at Draco, who was watching me, waiting for me to return with the ingredients do we could start another tortious partner potion.

"Amortentia is supposed to be the most powerful love potion in the world." Malfoy said with a smirk. "It smells differently to each person depending on what attracts them."

"I can read too, Malfoy. But thank you kindly for your help. Now, start mixing that in while I adjust the flame." I couldn't help but smile at his eyeroll.

It took all the time we has available, but the Amortentia finally achieved the mother-of-pearl sheen and swirling spirals of steam described in the book. I capped a vial and labeled it with our names as Snape was walking to our work stations.

"Very well, Malfoy, Hawthorne. 10 points to Slytherin." He said, taking the vial from my hands. Malfoy leaned over the cauldron and breathed in.

"Smells like cupcakes..." He muttered, looking at me. I breath in warily.

"Peppermint, the ocean, and...a musky cologne." I said to myself. I glanced at Malfoy, who was still staring.

"It's rude to stare, darling." I said with a smile, tossing my bag over my shoulder as Snape dismissed us. His eyes didn't leave me as I walked out of the classroom.

I sat down at the Slytherin table for lunch, trying to avoid another detention. Denae started a conversation with me but I wasn't really paying attention. A first year Slytherin ran up to me nervously.

"Excuse m-m-me, Miss H-h-h-Hawthorne?" He stuttered nervously.

"What seems to be bothering you, sweetness?" I asked with a smile. He blushed and stared at the floor.

"P-p-p-Professor Dumbledore wants to s-s-see you in his office as s-s-soon as you are d-done eating. And, for some reason, he w-w-wanted you t-to know that pumpkin p-p-p-pasties are b-better than cheesecake." He stammered, his cheeks tomato red. I chuckled and thanked him for relaying the message. I stood and walked to the familiar gargoyle that opened to Dumbledore's office.

"Pumpkin pasty." I said to the statue. It turned revealing the staircase at once. "Cheesecake is still better." I muttered and knocked on the door.

"Come in, Miss Hawthorne." Said the airy voice of the headmaster. I opened the heavy wooden door and smiled at the familiar quirky room. I dropped into the seat in front of Dumbledore and gave him a lopsided smile.

"What can I do ya for, Professor Dumbledore? Heh, hey that rhymed!" I chuckled. Dumbledore smiled.

"How have you been, Jez?" He asked casually, and I shrugged.

"Alive. Pretty good so far. Harry and everyone is really nice. The Slytherins are really not as bad as everyone makes out."

"What about Draco Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked with a small smile. I laughed and shook my head.

"The great bouncing ferret? We...well, our relationship is...complicated." I said with a giggle. Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled and he nodded gently.

"Now, if you are interested, your uncle would still like to meet you over Christmas break. Is that something you would be interested in?" My eyes widened and I nodded.

"Hel- I mean, of course. That sounds lovely." I smiled sheepishly and Dumbledore chuckled lightly.

"Wonderful. You will be escorted to London when everyone leaves. Now, off to class with you. Behave yourself. Stay out of detention." He winked at me and smiled. I stood and saluted him, then walked down the spiral staircase again.

The rest of the day passed by without incident. I remembered the DA meeting tonight as I was walking to dinner, and my nerves flared.

I sat at the edge of the Slytherin table, but I wasn't hungry. I wandered up to the seventh floor.


Kinda felt like this chapter was running on, so I thought I would cut it off. Let me know what you think. Love you, babelings!

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