How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Who knew a hospital ward would be the place to pick up dates?

"This is the longest week off my entire life!" I shouted again, for what Draco informed me was the eleven thousandth time that week, but I'm pretty sure it was a little bit less than that. I sighed and opened my text book again before remembering I could recite it in my sleep. I threw the book across the room and grunted.

"You really are quite overdramatic sometimes, Jezzy." Draco said from his bed next to mine. I flipped him off and moved to the edge of my bed.

"Entertain me, meat puppet!" I said in a regal voice. Draco rolled his eyes.

Despite being the most BORING week of my entire life, it hadn't been a total loss. Draco and I had developed an odd, albeit strained friendship. Being stuck in a room together for over 150 hours seemed to do that to you. We had a lot in common, actually. We both had a deep interest in Potions, and talked a lot about Quidditch. He had even convinced me I should try out for the house team next week. He said after feeling my left hook to his jaw, I had the makings of a good Beater.

Before I could reply, the door to the hospital wing swung open, and six of my favorite people filed in. My favorite, Draco's least. Harry, Hermoine, Ron, Fred, Ginny and Luna surrounded my bed. Fred flopped onto the bed next to me, a box in his hand.

"How are you feeling, love?" He asked, ruffling my navy blue hair. That was it's natural colour, if you recall, and I didn't care to think about changing it. I fell back, laying on him like a pillow, and sighed.

"I'm dying, darling. I am. I think my brain cells have gone on strike and are moving out for lack of employment. I think I've even forgotten your names. Philip, right? And your sister Jennifer? Randall, help me remember their names!" I grabbed Ron's sleeve and tugged a few times. They all chuckled, but I heard the distinct sound of someone attempting to slam a curtain.

"Is it horrible, being stuck in here with the ferret?" Ron whispered to me. I shoved him playfully and shook my head.

"I told you guys to lay off him. It's my fault he's even stuck here." I heard Draco mutter something, but I couldn't make it out. Fred nudged me in my back.

"If you stop using me as a mattress for a moment, I brought you a present, Jezzy." I sat up, but scowled at him.

"Don't call me that, Fred." I said sharply. He raised an eyebrow at my pointed tone.

"Sorry. Here, maybe this will make up for it." He raised a brown box that had the word Honeyduke's written across the top in gold script.

"Isn't that the sweet shop in Hogsmeade? Did I miss the trip?" I pouted, but Harry shook his head and Fred smirked.

"Fred...has his own way into Honeyduke's." Harry whispered and the others chuckled. Well, all except Luna, who was staring dreamily at the wall. I loved Luna, because she always had something interesting to say, and was honest no matter what. It wasn't that she didn't consider your feelings, rather that she considered them so highly, she had to be straight with you. It was something I greatly admired in her. Even if it did put some people off.

I thanked Fred for the chocolate cauldrons and the large green sugar quill and placed them on the table next to my bed.

They caught me up on what had been going on while I was stuck in bed. Apparently, the Minister of Magic had named Umbridge High Inquisitor, which basically gave her more right to discipline the students, and she was to monitor lessons and report back.

"As if she needed a reason to punish us to begin with. I've gotten more detentions with that woman since I got here than I think Fred gets in a school year." I said, waving my hand for effect.

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