How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 There has to be a Guiness Record for this

I stomped away from Malfoy, my nose tingling with threatening tears. I refused to cry. I never cried. Not for my pushy, stupid purist parents. Not for nosy, purist Draco Malfoy. Not for anyone. Especially not for Malfoy.

I opened the door to Umbridge's classroom slowly, not really wanting to be here. Umbridge looked up, and plastered one of those fake smiles on her face.

"Miss Hawthorne. You are early!" Her cheerfulness made my stomach turn. I forced a huge fake grin back to her before taking a seat in the back of the room and digging my book from my bag.

The door opened again, and my smile widened. Hermoine, Ron and Harry walked through and joined me at the table.

"What happened at lunch?" Ron whispered as he took the seat next to me, Harry beside him and Hermoine on my other side. I opened my mouth to explain, but was interrupted by a high-pitched throat clearing.

"Forgive me for interrupting what I am sure is a fascinating story, my dears, but I have assigned your seats. Gryffindors, please stand over there, Slytherins on the other side." I sighed and stood, walking at a snail's pace to where the toad had pointed. So much for getting to hang out with my friends. Liza, the bouncy brunette from the common room smiled and waved at me excitedly. I spotted Malfoy eying me from across the room, standing next to Blaise with Pug face trying for his attention.

"Good afternoon, children. As you know, I am Professor Umbridge, undersecretary to the Minister. I was appointed this position to make sure that certain...rumors are not spread unnecessarily. Now, the minister feels that more structure is necessary to keep order. Therefore, I have assigned where you shall be sitting during the duration of my class." She smiled in a way that I am sure was meant to be warmly, but just came off as smug. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Liza whispered something to me, but I wasn't listening. She talked so fast, it all came out as more of a dull hum. I looked over and saw Malfoy watching me. I raised an eyebrow at him and mouthed 'What?!' He simply smiled and shrugged. That boy would be the death of me.

"Mr. Potter and Miss Walters? Here." Umbridge said. I saw Denae step forward slowly, almost nervous. "Miss Granger and Mr. Zabini, here." I saw Hermoine grimace, and a few Slytherins made sympathetic noises. I stopped listening, shaking ny head when Ron got stuck with Man-Girl Bulstrode. I looked around after a while, realizing Malfoy and I were the only two still standing against the wall, all Gryffindors seated. I sighed loudly.

"Really? Is my luck really that bad? What in Merlin's name did I do to deserve this?!" I cried. A number of students snickered at my dramatic display. Umbridge had that homicidally sweet smiler on her face, like a murderous clown.

"MISS Hawthorne! I will NOT stand for your antics in my classroom. 10 points from Slytherin, and a detention." She said, her smile never faltering.

"Sorry, Professor, but I've already got a detention date scheduled tonight with Professor Snape. Raincheck, though?" I smiled sweetly at her. She continued grinning, which was starting to make me uneasy.

"Quite all right, dear. You can give me the next two nights instead." Her face was expectant, waiting for by protest.

"Only if you promise to share the secret of where you buy your fluffy pink everything. I've got to know. That hat is to die for, darling." Umbridge's eyes tightened.

"In that case, we'll make it three nights. Just to be sure." I smiled and nodded.

"Wouldn't miss it." I said with a wink before taking a seat at the last empty table. Malfoy sat by my side. I groaned.

"I forgot. That's why I was yelling. Ugh, the universe really does hate me." I lowered my head onto the table. Umbridge cleared get throat with a squeak.

"Wands away, please. The minister feels that a more practical teaching of defense is better. Please open your books..." I wasn't listening. I looked out the window as I heard students protesting lack of hands-on defense. I knew how to defend myself. I had proven that numerous times at the orphanage. I was always the butt of all the jokes, the one who always got teased. That's how I turned into the spazzy joker I am today.

Professor Umbridge's squeaky voice shook me out of my thoughts.

"Detention, Mr. Potter." She said sweetly. I was pretty sure I had developed diabetes from being around her.

Class was uneventful after that. I pretended to read the book that I had already gone through on they plane. Malfoy stared at me through the whole class. I pretended I didn't notice. When Umbridge dismissed us, I all but ran out of the room. I was tackled in the hall by a familiar red head.

"Thank goodness you're alive!" Fred cheered. I laughed.

"I have survived. I did manage to get detention four nights this week. I feel extremely accomplished. If I can land one on Friday, I will have filled the whole week!" Fred laughed at my enthusiasm and kissed my lips quickly. I blinked, surprised. Before I could say anything, Malfoy shoved me to the side.

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