How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 24

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Chapter 24, I'm not apologizing because you're right, I just value our friendship more than my giant ego

Mrs. Weasley insisted we open presents "as a family," despite the mumbled protests by almost all the kids in the house. I forced a smile and took a seat between Lupin and Sirius on a dusty faded couch. I eyed the stack of gifts under the lopsided tree. I had placed a gift for Fred under the tree while everyone was still in the kitchen. It was wrapped in light green paper. Mrs. Weasley handed it to Fred as I opened a bright green scarf from Mrs. Weasley that had royal purple tassles. I threw it around my neck enthusiastically before turning my attention to Fred. He tore off the green wrapping and a small black box was in his hand. He looked toward me, his eyes wary. I gave him a reassuring smile and he opened the box. Music began to play, a soft guitar piece I had composed, and sparkling green letters floated up from the black velvet box.

I can't stop missing you. I'm sorry, and I hope you can find it in your wonderful, kind heart to forgive everyone's favorite Slytherin.

Fred chuckled and closed the bewitched box. Everyone was watching the two of us, and I felt a blush trying to creep onto my cheeks. Mrs. Weasley was tittering in the corner as I stood. Fred closed the gap between us and pressed his lips to mine without a word and a force that nearly knocked me off my feet.

The room got really loud then. His reaction was not what I expected, and my mind filled with thoughts of a particular smug blonde smile. I pulled back then, and Fred rested his forehead against mine.

"I've missed you..." He whispered, apparently unaware of the room full of cheering spectators. I giggled and took a step back, smiling.

George was at my side then, pulling me into his arms.

"Thank Merlin! He's been moping around the common room since the Quidditch game. And DA meetings are boring without you helping pull pranks on the others." I chuckled lightly, my mind still caught up in the feelings of remorse the kiss had filled me with.

I looked over at Sirius, who smiled at me, and handed me a box. I took the lid off gently, and a book was rested on top of the tissue. I opened the cover and nearly dropped the box. My mother and father were looking up at me laughing, a small, green bundle clutched to my mother's chest. She turned slightly, exposing the face of a small, pale, navy haired baby with bright, almost white blue eyes. The baby's eyes glinted slightly in the sunlight, a small smile on her lips. I turned the page and a picture of three raven haired children greeted me. They all looked strikingly similar. Two dark haired boys were seated on either side of a black haired girl with bright blue-grey eyes. They all smiled at the person taking the photo, but I could see young Sirius prodding the other boy in the side. I chuckled and turned the page. My mother and father in weeding attire. She was smiling and blushing, my father next to her, his hair a bright gold.

A hand on my shoulder startled me. Sirius wiped a tear off my cheek and smiled at me.

"It took a bit of digging, but I know you don't remember them. I may not have gotten on with my sister, but you were the best thing she ever accomplished." He pulled me to his side and I laughed.

"I know, but it's always nice to hear." I said softly.

Fred stood in front of me, offering his hand. I placed the photo album onto the couch and took his hand, letting him lead me upstairs to the room him and George had been sleeping in during their stay. He didn't speak until he closed the door behind us. I stood in the middle of the room, suddenly nervous.

"So, nice weather we're having..." I said softly after the silence started to itch.

"Jezzy..." He started, but I winced.

"Fred, please don't call me that." I said sharply. He sighed and continued.

"Jez." He said roughly. "You've yet to tell me why you defended that slimy ferret after the Quidditch game. I've missed you terribly, but that was a low blow."

"I didn't defend him, Fred. I kept you, Harry and George from going to Azkaban for murder and animal cruelty." I replied, lowering myself onto his bed with a sigh.

"Animal cruelty..." He chuckled lightly and sat next to me. Right next to me. Like any closer and he'd be in my lap next to me. He took my hand in his and kissed my fingers softly. "Your accent gets really thick when you're worked up. It's terribly attractive..." He whispered next to me ear. I sighed and lowered my head onto his shoulder. He took this as a sign of affection. I meant it as frustration. I felt wrong. I felt like I was stringing him along. How could I toy with him? I should just leave him alone. I knew I didn't feel the same way about him as he did me. Was I doing what was expected of me as a Slytherin?

He's your in to the Golden Trio! Draco's voice filled my memory. I sighed, and kissed Fred's shoulder. It couldn't hurt to give him what he wanted, could it? Just don't get in too deep, a voice in my head sounded. I sighed again.

Fred's arms wrapped around me tightly. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"I've really missed you, Jez." He said softly.

"Me too." I muttered. I'm going to hell, I know it.


I suck as a person for taking so long! So sorry! Things will start progressing a little more quickly after this. Skip weeks at a time, probably. I know what is going to happen, story wise, just a matter of getting there. Don't forget to vote and comment, lovelies!

PS: Have you heard Careless Whisper by Seether? I effing love this song! Just saiyan. Love ya bunches!

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