How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 3

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So this chapter is being posted specially for MaraMoo and EmilyPickford. This story is just flowing out at an amazing rate, and please don't forget to comment and vote.


Chapter 3 Ferrets and Toads for Supper

'SLYTHERIN!!' The hat shouted across the hall. I saw Fred and George slump in their seats, and Ron spit out the pumpkin juice he was drinking. The Slytherin table was clapping and I saw Malfoy chuckle. 

'Well, green is my favorite color.' I said before letting my black hair change to an emerald green. The Slytherin table cheered louder as I sat down on the end next to an Italian boy who was eying me like a piece of meat. 

'That is really hot, by the way. Blaise Zabini.' He held his hand out to me, but it was smacked away. Malfoy had taken the seat across from me. 

'Don't get too close. She's not a real Slytherin. She's a blood traitor, just like the Weasley's.' He spat. I raised an eyebrow at him and turned in my seat. 

'Excuse me, but, when did I ask for your opinion, Ferret boy?' A few people at the table laughed, but Malfoy's steely glare silenced them. 

'There should be a public announcement warning people of filth like you. Tarnishing a pureblood family name like you do. Already best friends with a few good mudbloods, are you? You are NOT going to dirty the name of Slytherin too!' Before he could raise his wand, I had mine out and cast a spell. A repeat of the ferret transfiguration Harry and Ron told me about from last year. A tiny white ferret landed on the Slytherin table. I lifted the lid off of a dish and slid the Malfoy ferret inside with my wand before closing him inside and walking to the Gryffindor table, sliding into a seat between Fred and Ginny, who were both rolling with laughter. Professor Mcgonagall walked over and set the ferret free while the squat pink toad walked to where I was sitting. 

'Miss Hawthorne, I don't know what they taught you in that American school you cone from, but transfiguring fellow students is not allowed. I expect you to rejoin your house table for the remainder of this meal, and you can join me in my office afterward for detention!' The toad woman spat. Great, so much for making teacher's pet with this one. 

'Dolores, I think it may be best if Jez stays where she is right now, considering the circumstances. I however do agree that detention might be best. But I think I will handle this one.' Professor Dumbledore said from the staff table. A few students hooted. 

'Dumbledore has never given anyone a detention before.' I heard an Irish boy whisper a few seats down from me. I sighed and slid down into the bench, attempting to hide by matching my hair color with Ginny in hopes I would just be mistaken for another Weasley. 

Supper ended way sooner than I would have liked. I stood and walked quickly through the crowd, hoping to blend in. A strong hand grabbed my arm, though, pulling me out of the bustling students. I looked up into the grave face of a man with greasy, shoulder length black hair and a sharp, pointed nose. 

'The headmaster's office is this way, Miss Hawthorne.' He said in a slow voice. 

'T-thanks. That's just where I was headed. Must have gotten turned around.' I chuckled nervously. 

'Obviously.' The man said slowly, the word so soaked in sarcasm I could taste it. I wasn't sure if I respected this man or had begun to loath him. 

'So, you know my name, what's yours?' I asked cheerfully, in an attempt to be polite. He didn't respond. We reached a stone gargoyle and stopped. 

'The headmaster will meet you here.' The greasy haired professor told me, before turning and walking toward the dungeon. 

'Thank you!' I called after him. He slowed down, then shook his head and kept walking. I sighed and leaned against the wall, staring at the floor. Students wandered back and forth past me, whispering to themselves about the first student to ever get detention with the headmaster. I sighed and slid to the floor, resting my head on my black and green stocking covered knees. 

Someone slid onto the floor next to me and patted my knee. 

'I think you will survive, love. Don't look like you are awaiting a death sentence.' Fred said from next to me. 

'Sure feels that way. The first student to EVER get detention with Dumbledore? I'm all for being a trend setter, but that's not what I had in mind.' Fred chuckled then inched forward until his lips were almost touching my cheek. 

'I still like you, even if you are a trouble making Slytherin.' He whispered before kissing my cheek gently. I smiled and faced him. Before I could reply, McGonagall cleared her throat. Fred stood quickly and helped me to my feet. 

'Head to your common room, Mr. Weasley.' She said sharply. Fred saluted her before chuckling and heading off. He winked at me before disappearing around the corner. 

'Pumpkin pasty.' McGonagall said loudly. I opened my mouth to say I preferred cheesecake, but was interrupted by the stone gargoyle in front of us turning and revealing a staircase. I looked at McGonagall questioningly. 

'Head on up, the headmaster will be right with you.' She said before turning on her heel and walking in the sane direction Fred left in. I sighed and stepped onto the staircase, which started moving on its on. It stopped in front of a large wooden door. I went inside and was taken aback by all the different trinkets scattered around the room, all moving and doing different things. I giggled at one that was blowing different colored bubbles into the air. A painting nearby scoffed at me. 

'Another metamophmagi in the Black line? I suppose Andromeda isn't a Black anymore, maybe we don't have to claim her offspring. That old hat is losing its touch if it put YOU in the great Slytherin house.' The painting rolled its eyes. 

'My last name isn't Black, sir. I'm Jez Hawthorne.' I said kindly, despite the headmaster's rude remark. 

'I know your name, child. I also know that your mother's maiden name was Black. Dumbledore had not shut up about it all month. Helene Black was the most famous and accomplished Seer in the Black line. She was also one of the most respected Death Eaters of her day. The Dark Lord killed her himself because she told him she saw him falling from power. Killed Jack too, for arguing. Powerful, both your parents were. Your mum was a great Slytherin.' Before the painting could speak anymore, Dumbledore cleared his throat from behind me, making me jump. 

'That is quite enough, Phineas. Jezabel, please sit down.' Dumbledore walked around and sat behind his desk. I sat nervously across from him, playing with the edges of my robes. 

'Why did the man in that painting know so much about my mom and dad, Professor?' I asked. Dumbledore smiled gently at me, folding his hands on the desk. 

'Do you remember the last time we met, when I gave you all the things you would need for this year at Hogwarts? Then, I told you I had located one of your mothers family members that would be willing to take you in. That painting is Phineas Nigellus Black. He is a great uncle of yours and an old headmaster of Hogwarts. I have been in contact with your mother's brother, and he wants to meet you over Christmas break, if you are interested.' I sat up straighter in my chair. 

'I have family?' I asked with a squeak. Dumbledore laughed and nodded, slightly taken aback by my outburst of squealing and my hair suddenly turning a bright golden color. I settled down quickly when Io remembered I was in trouble. 

'I'm sorry about what I did at supper, Professor. Harry was right, that Malfoy kid is a right git, though. He was talking about how I'm a blood traitor and a freak and I'm mucking up my family name and the Slytherin name and all this shi...z.' I caught myself before I swore in front of one of the must respected wizards in the world. Dumbledore smiled knowingly. 

'The sorting hat seemed to be having some trouble placing you. How did it finally decide?' He asked softly. 

'It said that I had the ability to unite the houses, and my best bet was in Slytherin. It said I would have done well in any house though. What does that mean? Am I just not special enough to be in one house?' 

'Jezabel, darling, it means you are so unique its hard to pick just one. Now, this is the first and last time I will be rescuing you from detention. Here is your schedule, and Professor Snape, your head of house, will be showing you to the Slytherin common room. Get some sleep. Classes start tomorrow.' I took the schedule from Dumbledore with a thank you before walking to the door.


Please comment and let me know what you think. Also, I an doing all this on my stupid android, so if there are any auto correct errors please let me know and I will fix them. Please don't hesitate to comment, good or bad. I can take it.

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