How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 You aren't seriously fighting over me, are you?

I sat at the edge of the black lake on Sunday under a tree. It was cold, but not unbearably so. I couldn't stop thinking about Fred and Draco. Fred was the obvious better choice, the safer choice. He was kind, warm and gentle. He could make me laugh no matter what.

Then I thought of Draco. He was an ass. He was pompous, self-serving and egotistical. But he was also sweet, and a simple touch made my whole body burst into flames. I sighed, closed my eyes, and laid on my back in the grass.

"Frowns don't suit you, love." said a familiar low voice. I opened my eyes and smiled at Thomas.

"Its a new look I'm going for. Not a fan, then?" I smiled and sat up as he took a seat next to me.

"Can't say I am." He said. "What's eating you, Jezzy?" I scrunched my nose at the nickname.

"I'm not a fan of that nickname, if it's all the same, darling." Thomas nodded and smiled.

"My apologies, Jezabel. So, you want to tell me what's wrong?" I sighed and laid back in the grass again.

"Just conflicted about something." I said, closing my eyes again, the sunlight warming my face.

"Can I be of any assistance? Maybe give my opinion on the situation?" He asked kindly. I sighed louder.

"Not really. Thanks anyway, though Thomas." I sat up and he was inches from my face. He placed a warm hand on my cheek.

"Are you sure?" He asked in a low whisper. His lips brushed mine gently, and I smiled.

"Thomas..." I whispered, putting my hand over his on my cheek. "You are very sweet, and adorable, I really..."

"Jez?" I sighed at the voice behind me. I was in a very compromising position. I stood quickly and smiled at Fred.

"Hey you!" I said cheerfully. Fred looked at Thomas with Avada Kedavra in his eyes.

"Let me know if you change your mind, Jezabel." Thomas said with a cocky smirk.

"I don't think she will be doing anything of the sort, McKinnon." Fred said in a very uncharacteristically venomous voice.

"I don't believe I was talking to you, Weasley." Thomas said in mock kindness.

"Knock it off you two." I said with an eyeroll. Fred walked to my side.

"C'mon Jez, let's go to lunch." He said, picking up my bag from the ground.

"I do believe we were in the middle of something before you so rudely interrupted, Weasley." Thomas said, taking my bag from Fred's hand. Fred narrowed his eyes and pulled my bag back from Thomas. Thomas' smile fell from his face and he narrowed his eyes back at Fred.

"Will you two knock it off! This is fucking stupid, you're acting like children!" I was suddenly pulled away from the two boys by a pale hand on my wrist.

"C'mon, Hawthorne. Snape is looking for you." Malfoy said, grabbing my bag from between the two 7th year boys and led me toward the castle.

"What does Snape want? And why aren't we going to his office?" I asked, as we were headed toward the Slytherin common room.

"No idea what you're talking about, freak." Malfoy said, opening the common room door and ushering me inside.

"Draco...thank you." I said. I kissed his cheek and walked up the stairs to my dorm.


Sorry if it's short. Don't forget to comment, please! Love youse!

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