How Can I Love You When I Hate You So Much? (Draco Malfoy) Chapter 12

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So a reader asked me how many chapters I planned on for this story, and honestly, I had not given it much thought. I wil let you know when I get some kind of idea as to where this should end. I was also asked why I name the chapters the way I do, and that's because...idunno! Its kinda just whatever pops out that is somewhat relevant to the chapter. My girlfriend says it reminds her of the way the band PANIC! at the disco names their song, and I suppose it's similar. And, pleasepleaseplease comment and vote :-) You know I love them. Sorry for rambling, it's Hallowe'en night and I have had WAY too much sugar and a bit too much to drink, which has me SUPER hyper lol. I'll shut up now! *clamps hands over mouth*

Chapter 12 Extra Crispy with a side of awwww

I squinted in the dim light, and could make out the silhouette of Millicent Bulstrode holding me against the wall. Pansy Pug-Face Parkinson was standing in the center of the room holding my onyx black wand. Bulstrode had both my wrists pinned to the wall with one large, manly hand, the other over my mouth. I licked her palm, causing her to jump and loosen her grip. I used the distraction to kick her hard in the stomach, knocking her to the ground.

"What the hell, Pug-Face? I'm sorry, but I don't swing that way, honey. Though I'm pretty sure your mannish friend here does, if you need someone." Bulstrode growled from the floor, but apparently the kick to her stomach from my soccerized legs deterred her from retaliating.

"Don't flatter yourself, bitch. I just brought you in here to warn you to keep your freakish germs away from my Drakie." I raised an eyebrow at her. Drakie? I spluttered and laughed.

"Malfoy? You think I am trying to steal Malfoy from you?!" I laughed again, clutching my sides for effect.

"I heard him and Blaise talking about your little date at the Astronomy tower, and that he kissed you in the common room. If you know what's good for you, you'll back off. Drakie's mine!" She stepped toward me in what I am sure was supposed to be menacing, but failed dismally. I narrowed my eyes at her before punching her in her stomach. She doubled over and I snatched my wand from her grip, shooting a wordless body bind at her bodyguard, who was standing, ready to defend her friend.

"Don't even try to threaten me, Pug-Face. You suck at it. And believe me, I want nothing to do with your ferret mate. But if I did, you would not even be a blip on my radar of worry, darling. Malfoy may be low, but even he has higher standards than you. Now, I am a very friendly, understanding and patient person, honey. But if you EVER!" I punched right next to her head on the wall she had fallen against, causing her to flinch and tear up. "Ever try this again, and I will show you exactly why that ratty old hat put me in Slytherin." She was on the verge of tears when I straightened my robes and patted my lime green locks. "Kay, bye!" I said cheerily, shooting both girls a grin before walking out the door.

I walked to the greenhouse just in time. Professor Sprout was just opening the greenhouse door as I approached the crowd of students. Malfoy glanced at me, and I growled lowly at him. Why can't I be in NEWT Herbology? I thought to myself. I looked around at my fellow fifth year students. Umbridge had put in a complaint with the Minister of Magic and managed to get my schedule changed on the grounds that the overload of classwork was affecting my studies and made me lose almost all my advanced classes except Divination and Potions. So here I was, in fifth year Herbology with Draco bloody fucking Malfoy. At least this was a class that Slytherin shared with Gryffindor. I waved at Harry, Ron and Hermoine, who were on the other side of the work station that I was at, partnered with Malfoy, of course.

"Hawthorne, how'd you tear your robe?" Malfoy asked from my right side. He tugged gently on a spilt seam at my shoulder. His finger grazed my bare skin briefly, and a shiver coursed down my spine. I sighed and shook my head.

"Why do you care, Malfoy?" I said icily. I pulled my wand from my boot and waved it down my arm. The cloth pulled together and restitched itself.

"Are you really still mad at me?" He asked in a low voice. I growled again. "I tried apologizing, but you won't let me. Quit being a stubborn bitch and let it go!" He spat. I dropped the pruners I had picked up and spun to face him.

"How is this my fault, now?" I asked, my hands shaking trying to keep from jinxing him into next month.

"You're the one that blew up about it. Like I did something any other girl in this bloody school wouldn't beg for." His pompous attitude pushed me over the edge. I pulled my wand out again, but he threw a disarming charm before I could curse him. My hair turned a bright red and I ran forward and punched him in his purist face. The movement knocked the bottle of poison we were working with from it's place on the table and it crashed to the floor, dousing me with it's pungent green contents. Every inch of my skin that it touched started to itch and burn. I felt someone grab my waist, and Malfoy was yelling incoherently. At least it was incoherent to me, because my ears were ringing. Professor Sprout was shouting as I slid to the floor before everything went dark.

My eyes fluttered open, and I looked around. The room was dark and unfamiliar, and my whole body felt burnt. I looked around and saw Fred sitting in a chair next to me, talking to Madam Pomfrey.

"Visiting hours are over, dear. You need to go to your common room. She will be fine. She will be back to normal in a week. Just lucky someone thought to clean that stuff off her before it was on her long enough to cause permanent damage. Go on to bed, dear." She patted Fred on his shoulder and turned to me. "Oh, you are awake." Fred jumped up and looked at me.

"Jez, how are you feeling, love?" He asked, his face etched with worry.

"Crispy." I muttered. My voice was hoarse. Fred chuckled, and started to touch me, but decided against it. "What happened after I blacked out?" He seemed hesitant to answer.

"I'm not sure when you blacked out. Someone cast a cleaning charm to get that poison off of you, but it was on there long enough to burn you pretty badly. Madam Pomfrey says it won't scar, but you don't look so great, love. It hit a lot of your body." I looked down at myself and noticed a majority of my exposed skin was covered in bandages. Before I could ask anymore questions, Madam Pomfrey was forcing Fred out the door. I looked around the room and spotted a familiar blonde sitting on the bed next to mine, eying me warily.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked, but my voice seemed overworked and came out in a rough whisper.

"Your little outburst didn't just get you hurt, Hawthorne. Though, you did get the shit end of it. I only burnt my arm when I...when the bottle hit the floor." He seemed to change what he was going to say and raised his bandaged arm to me. I raised my eyebrow, and he seemed to think about what he was going to say, before sighing. "I might as well tell you, maybe you won't hate me so ruddy much. When I saw that you knocked the...whatever the hell that horrid stuff was off the table, I grabbed you so you wouldn't land in it. Then I cast Tergeo to try and keep you from getting too burnt. But if you tell anyone I did you a favor, I'll bodybind you and drop you in the Black Lake." He finished, and I laughed.

"You were almost attractive there for a minute, then that ugly douche came back." Malfoy chuckled.

"I'm always attractive, Hawthorne." He smirked at me, and I couldn't deny that fact. I coughed, and my throat ached. Malfoy stood and grabbed a glass from the bedside table to hand to me. I took a drink from the cup, and my throat smoothed out a bit.

"Why do I feel like I swallowed a beehive?" I asked. He shook his head and sat back down on his bed.

"You don't remember? You started shrieking at the top of your lungs the second you hit the floor, and didn't stop until Pomfrey knocked you out. A full ten minutes, I suspect. It was...painful." He whispered the last word, then cleared his throat. "I'm certain my ear is damaged permanently." His smug, Malfoy voice wasn't gone for long.

"Thank you, Draco." I said softly. I smiled an honest, crooked smile at him and he looked at me for a moment before smiling back. Not a smirk, an actual smile.

"Anytime, Jezzy." He said softly.

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