Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

       I hated him. It was official. I hated my brother.

       The voices were a lot worse and it was excruciating having to hear them tell me to kill myself or tell me that nobody wants me. Seb was the only person who could help me through it. I talked to Artemis a few times, but it was nothing compared to how I felt after Seb talked to me.

       He wasn't answering his phone. I called, I texted. No reply. And I knew for a fact that he was okay because he was posting constant updates on social media about his road trip. But he couldn't take some time to talk to me, or even Artemis.

       Artemis was hurting a lot. Not as much as me, but she was still hurting. She missed her boyfriend so much and just wanted to hear his voice, but he wasn't answering. He was still a jackass, a bitch, a douche bag, and a piece of shit.

       There were a lot more names I could think to call him.

       Seb was returning home tomorrow, and I couldn't wait to give him a piece of my mind. You know, if he returned. I wouldn't doubt him extending his road trip just so he could neglect me and Artemis some more.

       "Dax, stop stabbing your chicken," Sara said as she eyed my plate.

       "Sorry," I said. "I was pretending it was Sebastian." I stabbed it one more time before reaching for my glass of water.

       Sara sighed. "He's still not answering?"

       "Nope," I said. "I tried calling and texting, same with Artemis, but he won't reply. He would rather post how much fun he's having on social media." I would curse, but I knew it was better not to with Gemma in the room. I may be pissed, but Sara hated it when people curse around the seven year old.

       "Even I tried calling him," Ty said. "But I got no reply. Makes sense, because if he won't answer his little brother or his girlfriend, he won't answer his other brother."

       "Can I continued to stab this chicken?" I asked Sara. "I need to let out my anger."

       Let it out on yourself.

       Hurt yourself.

       Kill yourself.

       I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I needed Seb so bad to comfort me because of how bad the voices were getting, but he wasn't answering. I hated feeling so neglected.

       I took my phone out of my pocket and unwrapped the earphones. I plugged them in and put on the playlist Seb made. As much as I was mad at him, it usually worked.

       "How bad is it?" Sara asked me.

       "Really bad," I said, my voice strained. "I need my brother."

       "He'll be back tomorrow," Sara said.

       "But I need him now," I said. "The voices are probably the worst they have ever been. I'm taking my medication, I listen to music, but it's not helping. I need Seb to comfort me."

       "If you want, I can throw an egg at him when he comes back!" Gemma said happily.

       I sighed. "Thanks, Gemma, but that won't fix anything." 

       When Seb came back, he better bring me something. Like chocolate. Or Skittles. If not, I was still going to be mad at him. Well, even if he did bring me something, I was still going to be mad.

       Once dinner was finished, I helped Sara with the dishes before heading up to my bedroom. On the bright side, it was a Friday and I could stay up watching movies. Not that I would have been able to fall asleep anyway. I couldn't for the past couple days, but Seb wouldn't have known that.

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