BONUS CHAPTER: Family Gatherings

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I fell in love with Gemma and Marcus last chapter, so I wanted to write another one of them since I won't be writing their book for a long time. I also wanted to add a sort of epilogue for Dax, even though there will be another book of him. cx

This might have a few spoilers from the crossover, but the spoilers are basic stuff that you all guessed would happen anyway. cx So, Dax and Isadora are 27, Seb and Artie are 29, Evelyn is 9 and Atticus is 7. <-- Oh look, a spoiler so far for those who haven't read the crossover. Oops. cx

This also gives a sort of preview what will happen in Marcus and Gemma's book, especially what's going on with Marcus.

Bonus Chapter: Family Gathering

~Gemma: Age 17~

       It was Thanksgiving, so my brothers and their families were over for dinner. Marcus had spent the last three nights here and was most likely going to be here for the rest of the week, so he was spending Thanksgiving with us. Again. Not that I was complaining. It just sucked that he hadn't spend Thanksgiving with his mom and step-family for years.

       As soon as Dax and his family walked in, Mom flicked his forehead. "Ow!" Dax said. "What was that for?!"

       "For swearing so much around Gemma, that it can be considered her second language," Mom said.

       "It's not my fault she decided to use those words," Dax defended. "She probably hears it at school all the time."

       "Then what's your excuse for Wilder swearing?" Isadora asked.

       "Uh....Wilder, no more swearing," Dax said. "It's bad for you."

       "You can't tell me what to do, Dad," Wilder said. 

       "Sorry, Izzy, I tried convincing him otherwise," Dax said.

       "That's it, we're starting a swear jar," Isadora said.

       "You swear too," Dax pointed out.

       "Not around our kids," Isadora said.

       "I think I'm going to start one too," Mom said. "Starting now because I'll know for a fact that profanity will come out of Dax's mouth soon enough."

       While Mom went back to the kitchen to cook the dinner, Dax and Isadora sat on the loveseat, each holding one of their twins. Dax was holding their daughter, Giselle, and Isadora was holding their son, Alec. Both were six months old.

       Dax reached for the remote and turned on the TV for Wilder so he had something to do.

       I heard someone walk down the stairs and I saw Marcus, who looked like he just woke up. He yawned, running his hands through his hair, wearing a pair of sweats and no shirt. "Marcus," Mom said when she saw him. "Go put a shirt on."

       "Hmm?" he murmured. He looked like a zombie.

       "Shirt," Mom repeated.

       Marcus looked down at his shirtless chest. "Oh. Right." He went back upstairs to go put a shirt on.

       "He's spending Thanksgiving with us again?" Dax asked.

       "Yeah, he's been here for the past few days," I said. 

       "That sucks," Dax said.

       "Yeah, I know," I said.

       Marcus came back down the stairs, flopping on the couch and resting his head on my lap. "I'm so fucking tired," he muttered.

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