Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

       I didn't get much sleep over the weekend. I was too busy thinking about what happened between me and Isadora. I even tried calling her, hoping we could just talk instead of ignoring it, but she never answered. I understood that she needed her space to think, but I missed her.

       As soon as I walked into the English class, I felt the awkwardness between us, especially when she looked at me before quickly looking away. I hesitated before walking over and sitting down at my desk. I know wish that we didn't have a seating plan.

       Isadora was doodling in her notebook, probably trying to occupy herself so we wouldn't have to talk.

       When the tardy bell rang, Mr. Garner stood in front of the whiteboard. "Alright, class," he said. "As you can see, I've written a word on here." He pointed to the word, which was happiness. "With your partner, I want you to discuss what happiness means to you. You have five minutes."


       Isadora was looking at Mr. Garner when he was talking, but she went back to doodling as soon as he stopped. I silently sighed. If this was going to be how it was like between us from now on, I doubt we would go back to being best friends.

        Then again, we slept together only three nights ago, so it was still going to take some time to process.

       About a minute later, Mr. Garner walked up to us. "I noticed that you two haven't started talking yet," he said. "Did you take your...."

       "Yes, I took my medication, Dad," Isadora said.

       "Alright," Mr. Garner said. "When the five minutes is up, each pair is going to have to share an idea they come up with, so you better start talking soon."

       As soon as he walked away, I decided we actually should try at least. "So...." I said slowly. "Happiness. What is it?"

       Isadora shrugged. "I don't know. Food?"

       "Food makes you happy?" I asked.

       "Food makes everyone happy," she said. "So....what makes you happy?"

       "My best friend," I said.

       That, however, only caused Isadora to look away and go back to doodling in her notebook. I sighed before resting my head on my desk. All I said was that she made me happy and she completely ignored me.

       Note to self: Never drink alcohol ever again.

       The five minutes passed and Mr. Garner started asking every pair what happiness meant to them. When he got to us, Isadora said her idea of food. Luckily, a lot of people were saying stuff like money and cars.

       The discussion with the whole class actually took some time, so class went by fast. As soon as the bell rang, I quickly packed up my things and left before heading to my locker.

       As soon as I closed my locker, I heard Isadora say my name. I turned around and looked at her. "Can we talk?" she asked in a soft voice.

       "Uh, yeah," I said.

       Isadora walked closer to me and held my hands in hers. I just stared at our hands while she talked. "This....isn't going to be easy for me to say."

       That didn't sound good....

       "Remember that question you asked me before I left your apartment Saturday morning?" she asked. "If I regretted what happened?" I nodded. "I do."

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