Chapter 36

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*little tiny trigger warning* This comes from maybe one or two sentences.

Chapter 36

       "Can't you drive any faster?" I asked Seb.

       "Sorry," Seb said. "My back is just really hurting.

       "Oh," I said. "Sorry."

       Seb sighed. "It's fine. I'm just trying to drive slowly just in case I get a sudden nerve pinch and lose control of the steering wheel."

       "I should probably get my license," Artemis said. "That way you don't have to keep driving us around."

       "Why don't you have your license yet?" I asked. "You're nineteen."

       "I could ask you the same...." she began, but stopped when she realized exactly why I didn't have my license. "Anyway, I think I'll do that sometime next week."

       "But I don't want you driving when you're pregnant," Seb said. 

       "A lot of pregnant women still drive," Artemis said. "And my belly isn't too big yet."

       "I still don't want you driving while pregnant," Seb said as he pulled into the driveway of Isadora's house. Isadora was already waiting outside, so she quickly came over and got into the backseat beside Skittles.

       We were on our way to Sara's house for dinner and Gemma really wanted me to bring Skittles, and it was hard saying no to her. Christmas was tomorrow, so we were just having dinner together today.

       "Hey," Isadora said to me, giving me a smile. "You still coming to dinner in two days?"

       "Yeah," I said. "You know you don't have to keep asking every single day, right?"

       "Yeah, sorry," she said.

       I just smiled before leaning over in the seat and giving her a quick kiss.

       "Gross," Seb muttered under his breath.

       "Come on, I can't even count how many times I walked in on you and Artemis making out," I said. "You have no right to say gross."

       "Yeah, thanks for interrupting our first kiss by the way," Seb sarcastically. "I never thanked you for it."

       "You're welcome," I said, ignoring the sarcasm.

       We soon got to Sara's house. Ty moved out not long ago into an apartment, but he was coming over for dinner as well, same with Artemis's parents. Even though Sara and Ty weren't related in any way, he wasn't going to lost touch with Sara since he took him in when his dad passed away. Sara was an amazing motherly figure to all of us.

       I held Skittles and quickly went to Isadora's side, helping her out even though she was capable on doing it herself. I didn't care, I just liked helping her.

       Seb didn't even knock as he opened the door and walked in. Artemis influenced him in that way.

       Sara was in the kitchen and immediately smiled before coming over to hug me and Seb. "It's so good to see you too again," she said.

       "You too," I said. "You remember Isadora, right?"

       "Yes, I do," Sara said. "And she's your girlfriend now, right?"

       "Right," I said. "We're going to head to the living room." 

       I led Isadora to the living room where everyone else was. The only seat that was left was a couch, so I sat down on it and gestured for Isadora to sit on my lap. She looked a bit hesitant and in the end, she sat on the floor in front of me.

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