Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

       "Dax!" I heard Isadora suddenly call when I was at our locker. I looked up just in time to see Isadora rush to me and basically tackle me in a hug. In fact, I almost lost my balance. "Happy birthday!"

        "You seem to be in a happy mood," I said as I hugged her back.

       Isadora pulled away and looked at me with a smile. "Yeah, because now that you're no longer a minor and we are now in a legal relationship."

       "It wasn't even illegal when you turned eighteen," I said. "I was joking."

       "I know, and so was I," Isadora said. "So, how do you feel?"

       "The same," I said. "And I'm tired. Skittles was annoying me at night. He's getting too big and will probably take over my bed soon enough."

       "I wouldn't doubt it," Isadora said. "But Skittles is a cutie, so you probably can't stay mad at him."

       "True," I said. "By the way, Seb, Artemis, and I are going over to Sara's house for dinner today and you can come if you want."

       Isadora gave me a fake wince. "I don't know. I kind of have plans with my friends."

       I raised an eyebrow. "With your friends? Izzy, I'm your only friend."

       "Shut up," she said, though she had a smile on her face. I loved that we were able to joke with each other and tease each other without getting mad. I loved insulting her and not having her mad at me. Then again, she usually insulated me back. "But, yes, I'll come. Besides, I still have to give you your present."

       "Can't you tell me what it is?" I asked. "I'm dying from the curiosity."

       "You can wait," she said with a smile, right as the bell rang. "Oh, would you look at that. I have to head to class now."

       "Yeah? Well, I have to walk you there, so you can still tell me about this present," I said.

       "No thanks," Isadora said.

       I sighed and we took our notebooks out before I closed the locker. I put my arm around Isadora's shoulder and pulled her closer to me as we walked to her first period class. I tired getting her to give me even just a hint about the present she got me, but she refused. It made sense, but I was always a curious person.

       When we got to her class, I kissed her cheek before heading to mine. Right before I was about to walk in, Collin basically shoved his way through. I didn't even bother saying anything to him. He was still a bitch and I didn't talk to bitches.

       Besides Seb.

       But Seb was a cool bitch.

       I walked into the class and sat down, hoping the school day would just go by fast. I hated people and school was one of the worst places that was filled with people.

       First period went by fast and the bell soon rang. I packed up my stuff and walked out the door, but it wasn't long before someone bumped my shoulder roughly, causing me to drop my notebook and the papers I shoved inside.

       "Oops, my bad," Collin said sarcastically.

       I sighed and ignored him as I bent down to gather up the papers.

       "What, not going to fight back?" he asked. "No snarky comment or being close to beating me up since you get mad so easily?"

       Don't get mad, don't get mad.... "Nope," was all I said.

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