Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

       When my alarm went off, I rolled out of bed, literally, and landed on the floor with a groan. Seb soon came into my room, looking concerned. "I heard a bang," he said. "Are you okay?"

       "I rolled out of bed."

       "Why would you do that?" he asked. "The floor is wooden."

       "Because I don't want to go to school today," I said. "It's that stupid day where I have to see stupid couples acting all couply and it's stupid."

       Seb scoffed. "You mean what you do with your girlfriend."

       "That's because she's fucking gorgeous."

       "And you're a hypocrite," Seb said. "Just get ready and go to school."

       I groaned. "But I don't want to. Who wants to go watch couples be all disgusting? Not including me and Isadora because we're awesome. Everyone else is losers and they can all fall off the face of the earth."

       "You are so friendly," Seb said sarcastically before turning on the bedroom light. "Get up, shithead."


       "I will get ice-cold water and dump it on you," Seb said. "I'm not even kidding."

       "Do it."

       Okay, I honestly didn't think he would do it, so when he left the room, I grabbed my pillow off of my bed and settled onto the floor. Then, before I knew it, I was drenched with ice cold water. "What the hell, Seb?"

       "You told me to do it," Seb said. "Oh, were you joking? My bad. Now get up before I grab your foot and drag you out of the room."

       I got up and threw my pillow at Seb before closing the door so I could get changed. I peeled my now-soaked clothes off and threw them in the laundry  basket before putting new clothes on. I then got out of my bedroom and angrily sat at the kitchen table.

       "Why are you so mad about today?" Seb asked. "You have a girlfriend. Think about how all the single people feel on Valentine's Day."

       "Yeah, but there's a difference between my and Isadora's version of acting all couply and everyone else's definition. It's sickening. It's like all those couples want to do is make out and shit."

       "Then ignore them," Seb said. "Trust me, Valentine's Day is better when you're not in high school, so just suffer for one more day, then you'll be free from it."

       He placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of my and I stabbed it with my fork before squirting ketchup on it.

       "Would you stop being so violent?" Seb asked.

       "If you think this is violent, you should have seen me stab my food when you were ignoring me on that road trip," I said. "I was pretending the food was you and it felt good to stab you."

       "Wow, thanks for the honesty," Seb said. "Just eat your damn food."

       "I will eat my food when I want to eat my food," I said, scooping up my eggs and shoving them in my mouth. 

       Seb just rolled his eyes before sitting down to eat as well. "Are you going to do anything for Isadora?" he asked.

       "I don't know," I said. "I got her chocolates, because I'm not good at the whole being romantic thing."

       Seb raised an eyebrow. "Chocolates?"

       "What? It's a go-to Valentine's Day present," I said. "Besides, a few days ago she said we don't have to get each other something extravagant. Chocolate is fine and if she gets me chocolate as well, then I will be happy. What are you and Artie doing?"

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