Chapter 32

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Please excuse my bad photoshop skills.

....I'm not even sorry.

Shout out to Nataso03 for the idea of the faceswap. cx

Chapter 32

       "And this is when my family went to Canada for her sixteenth birthday," Isadora said, showing me another picture on her phone. "Bryson was just two and her was such a troublemaker."

       I gave her a smile as I continued running my hand through her hair. We were laying in my bed with her head resting on my chest. Ever since she regained her memory last week, we've been closer than ever. 

       Isadora was going through the photos on her phone, showing me family memories, mainly with ones that included her older sister. Isadora felt more comfortable talking about her sister and it didn't even seem to bother her.

       "I've never had a younger sibling, so I have no idea what they can be like," I said. "Well, there's Gemma but Seb and I met her when she was five. We never got to see her grow up and make a mess like all toddlers do."

       "Be lucky you didn't have to," Isadora said. "I love Bryson a lot, but he got into to much trouble. Rosa was an art major at college and she had her own art room at home and one time, Bryson got into her paint. It took at least an hour to wash the paint off of him."

       "That must have been fun," I said.

       Isadora scoffed. "Fun? I went to my mom's last weekend and the paint was still there. They tried getting a professional to come and clean it, but it didn't work."

       "My god, what was in the paint?"

       "I have no idea," she said. "It wasn't even permanent paint, so Bryson must have tampered with it somehow. So....The winter dance is coming up."

       "I know," I said.

       "Want to go?" she asked.

       I faked winced. "I don't know. I don't really like school dances."


       I laughed. "I was joking, Izzy. I don't mind going to school dances. One time, Artemis was my date because she wanted to go but my brother was being an ass and refused to go with her."

       "That was sweet of you," Isadora said.

       "Yeah, Seb ended up showing up and I third-wheeled it for the whole dance," I said. "On the bright side, there was more than enough food at the snack table for me to eat."

       "Well, when we go, I'll make sure you don't third-wheel," she said. "Not that there's any who I can hang out with. You're basically the only person I talk to at school."

       "Aww, that makes me feels special."

       Isadora lifted her head to look at me as she smiled. "Dax, I'm sorry for what happened when I had amnesia."

       "Izzy, we're over that," I said. "Yes, it hurt that you believed Collin over me, but it was partially my fault. I could have told you when I first saw you in the hospital that I was your boyfriend without pressuring you into the relationship"

       "I still feel guilty over it," she said. "And I can't believe I thought Collin was telling the truth the whole time. He's such a jerk and a self-centered pig. I mean, he can't get over the fact that I don't like him."

       "I know," I said. "He's exactly like his sister. When Seb and Collin's sister Lauren broke up, she wouldn't get over it. She kept trying to get Seb to give her another chance, even though he told her so many times to let it go. Not to mention she was a true bitch to Artemis when they started dating."

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