Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

       "Is that everything?" Seb asked as I carried the last box from my room downstairs.

       I nodded. "Yeah. My room is completely empty."

       It was the day Seb and I were out and into the apartment he got. I had to admit, even while growing up it was just me and Seb most of the time, it was going to feel not living with Sara and Gemma. And Ty to, but I could get used to it because he was a jerk.

       I was so happy Sara took us in when she did. If it wasn't for her, Seb and I would have been separated and living in different homes.

       "Okay," Seb said as I set the box down. I then called for Skittles, who immediately trotted over to me.

       Gemma ran up to Seb and gave him a hug. "I'll miss you, Seb."

       Seb chuckled and knelt down to her level. "You'll still see me at the dojo, Gemma. And we're still siblings. We'll still visit and sometimes come over for dinners."

       Gemma then hugged me. "I'll miss you, Dax."

       "I'll miss you too, Gemma," I said, hugging her back. "But like Seb said, we'll visit. On your birthday and your mom's birthday. And random days. And the apartment isn't far away at all."

       When Gemma was done hugging me, I stood up and hugged Sara. "Thank you for taking us in," I said. "And for being a motherly figure when we needed one. I love you."

       "I love you too, Dax," Sara said. "Don't forget to visit."

       "We won't," I said.

       Sara then hugged Seb. "Thank you for being able to handle my moodiness," Seb said. "You're a better parent than our dad ever was, so thank you for hooking up with him and coming into our lives."

       Sara laughed. "I take it that's your way of saying you love me?"

       "Yeah," Seb said. "I'm not so good at using that word. Ask Artie. It took me a long time to tell her."

       "Well, I love you too, Seb," Sara said. "We'll come visit when you're all settled."

       "Definitely," Seb said. "Alright, let's get going, Dax. Artie's probably waiting for us."

       Seb took the box I carried downstairs while I picked up Skittles. We didn't have too much to pack since a lot of the stuff was already at the apartment. Yesterday while Artemis and I were at school, Seb and some of his friends moved the furniture and appliances, so all we had to do was move our stuff in.

       Artemis was already by the car, packing her stuff into the trunk. Once all of my stuff and her stuff were packed in the car, we got in and drove the apartment.

       I liked how it wasn't that far, so I would still be going to the same school and it wouldn't take long to go visit Sara and Gemma. 

       When we got there, we started to load our things into our apartment. I had only seen the pictures of it but now being in it, I was really loving it. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either. And my room was the best, not to brag. 

       It really didn't take too long to unpack, because of Seb doing most of it yesterday. When we finished, I flopped down on the couch as Seb and Artemis sat together on the loveseat. "Can we order in pizza?" I asked.

       "Sure," Seb said. "I'd be too tired to make food anyway." He got up and used to landline to call for pizza. 

       When he was done and sat down beside Artemis, she scooted closer and rested her head on his shoulder. "Seb, I've been meaning to talk to you about something," she said.

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