Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

       I looked over at Artemis and Seb before chuckling and going back to my homework. Seb has been in an irritated mood recently and Artemis wouldn't leave him alone.

       "Artemis, I'm not kidding," Seb said. "Just leave me alone."

       "But I love bugging you," she said. Seb was trying to cook dinner on the stove, but Artemis was hugging him from behind. She has been for the past five minutes and with each passing minute, my brother was getting even more irritated.

       Finally, Seb couldn't take it anymore. He put the spatula he was using down and pried Artemis's arms off of him before turning to face her. "I'm not kidding, leave me alone," he said.

       "How about you take a nap and I can bug you later when you're feeling better?" Artemis suggested. "Seriously, you're acting like you're the pregnant one."

       "Artemis, I'm not in the mood," Seb said. "Just....go read a book or something."

       When he turned around to face the stove again, Artemis placed her hand on his back and slowly rubbed in circles. "Seb, seriously, go take a nap and relax," she said. "I'll finish up with dinner."

       Seb sighed. "I-I'm sorry, Artie. I didn't mean to get mad."

       "Don't worry, it didn't affect me at all," she said. "Seriously, take a nap."

       Seb nodded, so Artemis kissed his cheek before he headed off to their bedroom. "What's up with him anyway?" I asked.

       "He's just been really tired," Artemis said as she took over cooking the food on the stove. "Seb has been up at nights unable to fall asleep."

       "Why?" I asked.

       "I don't know," she said. "I tried talking to him about it, but he says it's nothing. I'm just going to let it slide for now."

       "I don't know," I said. "Usually when Seb says 'it's nothing', it's something."

       "Well, some people really do mean nothing," Artemis said.

       I snorted. "Yeah, some people, but not Seb. You should probably talk to him after dinner."

       "You're right," she said. "I will. So, how's Isadora?"

       I smiled at the sound of my girlfriend's name. "She's great. I'm happy I found her."

       "Well, I can tell you two love each other," Artemis said. "I haven't seen you this happy before."

       "I know," I said. "She really makes me happy." It was true. Isadora was the best thing that has ever happened to me and I honestly don't know what I would do if I never met her. I probably wouldn't be getting better like I was with Isadora near me.

       Shortly after I completed my homework, the dinner was ready. I put my school stuff in my bedroom before heading back to the dining room table. Artemis had already set the table and she went to get Seb.

       Seb looked extremely tired as he walked to the table and sat down. "Are you okay?" I asked.

       Seb just nodded, but I knew he was lying. So I was right when I said something was up with him. Hopefully he would tell Artemis when she asked him about it later on.

       I was starting to grow a bad feeling in my gut with each passing minute. Seb was barely eating thing and he looked so troubled.

       "Seb?" Artemis said softly, placing her hand on his shoulder. "You barely touched your food. Are you okay?"

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