Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

       "Dax?" Isadora asked.


       "Get up."

       "But I'm tired."

       We were in our drama class, waiting for the tardy bell to ring. Isadora was sitting on the stage with her legs dangling over the side while my head was resting on her lap.

       It was so weird how things went from being awkward to us acting like we've been in a relationship for a long time, although it has only been a day.

       "I'm tired too," she said. "But you don't see me trying to cuddle with you in the middle of class."

       "Class didn't start yet."

       "Smart ass."

       I smiled up at her. "Thanks."

       "It wasn't a compliment," she said.

       "Oh, come on, it's fun being a smart ass," I said. "Ask Seb. Although, I think he's more annoyed by my smart ass comments."

       "I can see why," Isadora said with an eye roll.

       The tardy bell rang, so I sighed and sat up right as our teacher, Miss Walker stepped inside the class. "So, we have a fun day packed," she said. "I honestly forgot to plan out the class for today, so we're going to be playing drama games all class. I'll take suggestions and write them down. So any suggestions?" 

       A few people suggested a game, but I didn't since I didn't care what we did. Neither did Isadora.

       "Alright," Miss Walker said. "The first game we'll play is Wink Murder, since all you have to do is walk around. Can I have a volunteer for the detective?" Stupid Collin was the one who volunteered. I still hated him.

       Collin went in the hallway and we closed our eyes while she chose a murderer. When she chose one, we opened our eyes and began walking around while Collin came back in. 

       "Remember," Miss Walker said. "When the murderer winks at you, you can wait a few seconds before dying, so it isn't too obvious who the murderer is. And the most creative death gets to choose the next game."

       A few seconds later, someone died in the game, pretending to melt like a witch. The next person that died screamed very loudly, even hurting my ears. The next few weren't as enthusiastic, and Collin hadn't guessed who the murderer was yet.

       Suddenly Isadora, who was walking by me, suddenly got on her knees and said, "This is thy sheath; there rest, and let me die." She then pretended to stab herself before laying on her back, dead.

       Miss Walker liked her Juliet death, which gave me an idea if I got winked at by the murderer.

       I was. Not even a few seconds after Isadora 'died', the murderer winked at me, so I waited for a bit before going back to where Isadora was laying. I knelt down beside her and said, "Here's to my love!" I pretended to drink from a bottle of poison. "Oh true apothecary. Thy drugs are quick. And thus with a kiss I die." I leaned down and quickly kissed Isadora before collapsing on my stomach beside her, my arm draped over her.

       Isadora was shaking with laughter, trying her hardest to keep it in.

       "Shush, you're dead," I told her.

       "So are you," she pointed out.

       A few moments later, Collin was able to guess who the murderer was, so those who were dead stood up. I hopped to my feet and helped Isadora stand up.

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