Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

       "Remind me why we have to watch the soccer game," Isadora said as we sat down on one of the benches at the soccer field of the school. "I'd rather not see my stupid so-called friends."

       "I know," I said. "But Seb is taking Artemis out and they won't be back until six, and he has the car."

       "Can't we just walk to your house?" Isadora asked.

       "Yes, but it's too far," I whined.

       Isadora sighed. "Then I guess we have to stay?"


       Isadora shook her head. "You're so lucky you're cute." She kissed my cheek and rested her head on my shoulder. 

       Two seats in front of us, Odette and her friends sat down, but I didn't think they noticed they were sitting in front of us. In fact, Odette looked quite pissed off and her friends were trying to calm her down.

       "He's a jerk," Blythe was saying. "He doesn't deserve you."

       "Yeah," Sadie agreed. "He doesn't deserve anyone after what he did. I mean, that girl wasn't even that pretty. Ashton is just a lowlife jerk."

       "I wonder if she was cheated on by Ashton," Isadora said. "It wouldn't be surprising, considering he was hitting on me while he was dating her. He probably hit on every single girl."

       "Probably," I said. "Look on the bright side. At least you weren't the one dating him."

       "Yeah," Isadora said. "And on another bright side, I have you. And you are definitely better than Ashton."

       I smiled at her. "I know. Hey, do you mind if I bug Odette. I'm still kind of pissed at her for being rude to you."

       "Go ahead," Isadora said.

       "Hey, Odette," I called. She turned around, immediately glaring at me. "Where's Ashton?"

       "None of your business," she snapped. "I see you're still dating that freak."

       "Isadora isn't a freak," I said. "Except in bed."

       Odette pretended to gag. "I didn't have to know that. Are you two just going to laugh at my misfortune? Admit it, you asked where Ashton was because you overheard our conversation."

       "Doesn't feel good being on the other side of misfortune, does it?" I asked.

       "What are you talking about?" Odette asked.

       "Are you still going to pretend you never asked out the guy I liked?" Isadora spoke up. "Not to mention you did that whole him wanting to go out with me thing, then took pictures when I was waiting there and laughed about it. I was mortified. I had to transfer schools because of it since I couldn't stand you three being such....such bitches."

       Odette didn't seemed fazed by that and she just raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "I was being a bitch? No, it was you. You got so mad at me for asking him about. You were so selfish because you didn't want me to be happy."

       "You knew I liked him," Isadora said. "You didn't even say anything about liking him, but you asked him out. You were the selfish one, not me."

        Odette narrowed her eyes. "You know what? Ashton should be thankful it was me who asked him out and not you. Nobody would ever like you."

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