Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

       Skittles walked over to the couch Isadora and I were sitting on and jumped on it before sitting on my lap, which made it impossible for me too see the TV. He was growing pretty fast and I could no longer carry him around in my hands, even though he was still a puppy. He was only four months old.

       Seb was stupid for getting me a larger dog, but I still loved Skittles nonetheless.

       I sighed and just leaned back in the seat. "Just tell me what's happening in the movie," I said to Isadora.

       "Or I can pause it," she said, reaching for the remote and pausing the movie before setting it back on the table beside the couch. "Skittles is getting too big."

       "I know," I said. "And he loves sitting on my lap when I'm trying to watch TV." I said the last part a little louder, hoping Skittles would take the hint and get off. But then I remembered he was a dog and probably couldn't understand me.

       Or he could and he was just being a bastard.

       Someone walked into the living room, but I couldn't see because Skittles was blocking my vision. "Dax," Artemis said.

       I gently pushed Skittles's head down and he took the hint, laying on my and Isadora's lap instead. "Yes?"

       "Ty and Danielle are coming over for dinner," she said. "So behave and don't bother him."

       "Are you kidding me?" I asked. "Ty is always the one bothering me. I just bother him back."

       "Who's Danielle?" Isadora asked.

       "Right, I didn't tell you yet," I said. "Ty got some girl pregnant and her name is Danielle. Aww, Artemis, you and Danielle could be pregnant buddies. Wait, is she keeping the baby?"

       "Yeah," Artemis said. "Ty ended up convincing her. And we can't really be pregnant buddies for too long because Evelyn is due in less than four months."

       "I just realized something," I said. "Both my brothers are going to be dads. I'm left out now. Isadora, we have to get to work." Isadora slapped my shoulder. "I'm kidding. Kind of." She was about to slap me again. "I'm seriously kidding!"

       "Seriously kidding?" she asked.


       "You better be," she said. "We're not having a baby until we get married."

       "Aww, we're getting married."

       "Shut up."

       "You'll have to make me."

       Artemis snorted. "Now I know how you feel when Seb rubs our relationship in your face. Anyway, what do you guys want for dinner?"

       "Chinese food," I said.

       "Okay, I'll order some," Artemis said before going to her phone to order Chinese food.

       "So," Isadora said. "You know that talent show at the school? Are you going to enter?"

       I laughed for a bit before I realized she asked me a serious question. "Izzy, come on, I'm about as talented as....something that isn't talented. I couldn't even make a simile. My only talent is probably my wit."

       "Well, you are extremely witty," she agreed. "'re not going to enter?"

       "And have everyone look at me?" I asked. "No thanks. Why? Are you planning on entering?"

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