Chapter 50 | Final Chapter

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Chapter 50

       "They'll come," Isadora assured. "They wouldn't miss it."

       I didn't believe her. I couldn't. Four weeks have passed and Seb and Artemis barely paid any attention to me. They didn't even notice when I went to Isadora's house one day after school and didn't return until midnight. I knew they were going to put Evelyn first, which I understood, but I didn't know I was going to be completely ignored.

       They weren't even at my high school graduation and it started in five minutes.

       "I doubt it," I said.

       "I know they've been only focusing on Evelyn, but that doesn't mean they won't show up," Isadora said.

       "You don't get it," I said. "Evelyn's birth was the start of Seb and Artemis's new life together, a life I'm obviously not part of. Maybe I should move on, too. Get my own apartment closer to the university."

       "Dax, he's your brother," Isadora said. "She's your sister-in-law and one of your best friends. You really think they're going to miss your graduation?"

       "Yes," I said. "I'm not getting my hopes up. Even Ty is in the crowd." 

       For the past four weeks, Ty has been acting more like a brother than Seb was. He took me out for dinner sometimes and even took me to therapy and doctor's appointment. Right now, I liked him better than I liked Seb.

       "He's not going to bail," Isadora said. "He basically raised you most of your life. Even with Evelyn, I highly doubt he's not going to show up." She gently cupped my face with her hands. "And you should have faith that he'll show up."

       "I can't," I said. "Once someone starts ignoring me or forgetting about me, I can't have faith that they suddenly will. It's like....It's like I'm going through what happened with my mom all over again, but worse because this time, Seb isn't by my side."

       Isadora gave me a sympathetic smile before wrapping her arms tightly around me. "I can't convince you to have faith in them," she said. "But I'm here for you."

       "I know," I said. "And I'm thankful for that."

       Isadora smiled wider and pressed her lips on mine. "You'll be fine," she said softly.

       The five minutes passed and it was soon time for our graduation ceremony. Everyone was in different lines and sections, so Isadora had to go to hers. On the bright side, she sat directly in front of me.

       All of the graduates walked in and sat in their assigned seat. I tried finding Seb and Artemis, but the tiny bit of hope I had was shattered when I didn't see them.

       You actually thought they would show up?

       They forgot about you.

       Good thing, too. You're worthless.

       Completely and utterly worthless.

       Since the principal was talking and would call out students for talking, I tapped Isadora on the shoulder three times, something we decided would be a signal for me needing her. So, she angled herself in her seat and reached her hand behind the chair. I intertwined her hand in mine and closed my eyes, trying to push the voices out of my head. I couldn't even listen to music or get Isadora to talk to me.

       I was really hating this feeling.

       The principal stopped talking and it was the first row's turn to receive their diploma's. That was the perfect time for Isadora to turn slightly more and talk to me since the crowd was going to be clapping, and sometimes cheering, for their son, daughter, brother, sister, whatever.

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