Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

       "Dax, you have nothing to worry about," Isadora assured for what was probably the hundredth time. "My mom is going to like you, okay? Bryson might not, but he's a brat at times, so don't worry about him."

       I sighed. "Sorry. I never really met the parents of my girlfriend before, mainly because you are my first girlfriend. I really don't want your mom to hate me."

       "She won't," Isadora said. "I talk about you all the time and she really wants to meet you, so all you have to do is not be an idiot and you'll be fine."

       "When have I ever been an idiot?" I asked.

       "Well...." she began. I gave her a flat look, which made her smile. "I'm kidding, Dax. Come on, now, she's waiting for us."

       I sighed dramatically before rolling off the couch and onto the floor. "I have fallen and I can't get up. Go without me."

       Isadora just laughed before pulling me up. "You're such a dweeb at times. Come on, Dax. It won't be that bad."

       "Seb!" I called. "Can you drop us off now?"

       Seb walked out of his bedroom and I could tell her was in a lot of pain by the way he was walking. "Okay, let's go," he said.

       "No, go rest," I said. 

       Seb sighed. "Who else is going to drive you? And if I recall, Isadora's mom lives ten minutes away by driving."

       "But I don't want you driving us when your back is hurting," I said. "I can call Sara to see if she can drive us."

       "But then she has to drive all the way here and...."

       "I can just get my mom to come," Isadora said. "I know she won't mind driving here and back if you're in pain, Sebastian."

       "Are you sure?" Seb asked.

       "Yeah, of course," Isadora said. "I also don't want you driving if you're in a lot of pain."

       Seb gave her a smile. "Thanks." He then looked at me. "Artie's going for the DATA course and written test tomorrow, then she'll have to schedule the behind the wheel test, so she'll be able to drive soon."

       "And in the meantime, you should go lie back down," I said. "And ice your back or do something for the pain."

       "Actually, the doctor told me not to ice it."

       "Then don't fucking ice it."

       Seb snorted. "Someone has a potty mouth," he said before heading back into his bedroom.

       Isadora called her mom and she agreed on picking us up. About ten minutes later, Isadora got a text message from her mom, saying that she was outside. I told Seb we were leaving before heading out of the apartment and to the parking lot.

       Isadora led me to her mom's car and opened the back door. She climbed in the backseat and sat in the middle while I sat on the other end since her brother was on the other side.

       "Thanks for picking us up, Mom," Isadora said. "Dax's brother was going to drop us off, but his back is really sore."

       "No problem," Isadora's mom, Lucile, said. "Hi, Dax."

       "Hi," I said.

       "Don't forget to say hi to me," Bryson said as Lucile drove out of the parking lot and got onto the road.

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