Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

       "Dax, come on!" Seb called from his car. He was getting a bit impatient, but I didn't care. He could wait.

       I ignored him and looked back at Isadora. "Can I have a hug now?" I asked.

       Isadora rolled her eyes and gave me a hug. "I'll see you on Monday," she said. "And I'll call you tomorrow."

       "You better," I said in a joking way. 

       Isadora pulled away and smiled up at me before going on her tip toes to press her lips on mine. However, before our lips could touch, Seb's car horn blared loudly. "Dax!" Seb called. "I'm not going to wait any longer! Get your ass in the car before I come over the and drag you in myself!"

       I looked at Seb. "Chill out, Seb. You're not going to die if you wait any longer."

       "I'm not kidding!" Seb said. "Get in the damn car!"

       "Are you on your man period?" I asked, just to tease him.

       "If you don't get in this car in five seconds, I'm driving off and you can walk," Seb said.

       I rolled my eyes and kissed Isadora's cheek. "I guess I have to go now," I said. "Anyway you can call me tonight because I'm as desperate as Seb and need to talk to you every minute."

       Isadora giggled at my joke. "I wish, but it's my cousin's birthday today and we're going out to celebrate. But I'll call you tomorrow."

       "Oh, alright," I said. "I guess I can handle a day without out."

       "Holy shit, Dax, just get in the fucking car!" Seb called.

       "Can you chill out?" I asked him. "I'm coming." I sighed. "Bye, Izzy."

       "Bye, Dax," she said, giving me a quick kiss.

       I walked to the car and got into the backseat. "What is your problem?" I asked Seb as he drove out of the parking lot. "You couldn't have waited for a just a few more seconds?"

       "No," Seb said. "You were taking to long. Seriously, you'll see her again on Monday."

       "Okay, that's hypocritical," I said. "Remember when we were living beside Artemis and you would refuse walking away from each other because you would miss each other? You could literally see each other through your windows!"

       "Boo hoo," Seb said in a sour voice. "You don't have to take an hour to say goodbye to your girlfriend. You'll see her again in a few days."

       "Easy for you to say," I said. "You're living with Artemis and you're married." I leaned over in my seat. "Seb, are you okay? You've never been this irritable before, especially towards me."

       Seb sighed. "Artemis and I got into a fight before I left to pick you up."

       "Oh," I said. Now I understood. He and Artemis rarely ever fought and now that their married, it would affect them a lot more. "What about?"

       "I don't even know," Seb said. "One minute we were just talking and then she was yelling at me and you know me, so I yelled back, and then I left."

       "I blame the pregnancy," I said. "Mood swings, obviously. You shouldn't have yelled back, Seb."

       "I know," Seb said with a sigh. "But it's part of who I am. I have a short fuse and when someone yells, I yell back."

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