Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

       "Do you have your earphones?" Seb asked as I put on my shoes.

       "No," I said.

       "Well, go get them."

       "Well, I don't need them."

       "Yes, you do," Seb said. "Go get them."

       "How about you bite me?" 

       Seb sighed. "Dax, I'm not kidding, bring them just in case."

       "Seb, I'm not kidding, I don't need them," I said. "I've been taking my medication and Isadora will be there, so they won't come."

       "Dax, you schizophrenia doesn't just magically disappear by taking your medication or by being near Isadora," Seb said. "It helps, but right now, especially because you just recently started taking your medication more normally, it's not guaranteed. Please take your earphones with you."

       "Fine," I said. "But my shoes are already on and you hate a dirty carpet, so go get them for me."

       "Yes, your majesty," Seb said sarcastically, followed by a mock-bow. He scoffed before heading to my room to get my earphones. When he came back, he tossed it to me and I put it in the same pocket as my phone. "You walking."


       "I'll drive."


       "Aww, you think you have a choice," Seb said. "Come on, I know how much you miss the motorcycle and since Artie isn't coming, we don't have to take the car."

       "Seb, no. You should be resting."

       Seb sighed. "Dax, I can still drive. Yes, my back hurts, but the doctor said I can still drive. It's not going to injure me."

       "Fine, but you're driving the car," I said. "It actually has a seat to support your back."

       "Fair enough," Seb said. He put on his shoes and grabbed the keys before we headed to the parking and got in the car.

       When we got to the school, Seb told me he would pick me up at eleven. I got out of the car and went to the gym, giving the student at the table by the door my ticket. As soon as I was in the dance, I headed to the food table. I needed me my food.

       I was drinking some punch when Isadora walked in and I wasn't going to lie, I may have choked on my punch. Isadora....Holy shit, she looked gorgeous in her blue dress. I think I was going to die by the hotness coming from her body.

       "Wow," I said when she walked over to me. "You look gorgeous."

       Isadora smiled down at her dress before up at me. "Thanks, Dax. And you look amazing hot, as always."

       "Thanks," I said, smiling back. "I always look hot, don't I?"

       "I'm not even going to deny that, since I just said it," she said. "So, want to dance?"

       "Yeah, I don't really dance," I said. "But when as slow song comes on, I'd be more than happy to."

       "A lot of people here don't dance, but they still do," Isadora pointed out. "Come on, Dax. Please?"


       "I don't want to beg you," she said.

       "Then don't."

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