Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As soon as I was sitting down at my desk in my English class, I rested my head on my desk and closed my eyes. Isadora spent the night at my house so we could get the project finished and it took us until one in the morning.

Needless to say, I was extremely tired.

When the tardy bell rang, I didn't even lift up my head when Mr. Garner started talking. I was too tired to care about what he was talking about.

However, it wasn't long before someone knocked on my desk. I lifted my head to see Mr. Garner looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "The projects are due today," he said, holding his hand out.

I rubbed my eyes and began looking through my bag, but I couldn't find it. "Isadora, do you have it?" I asked.

"Have what?" she asked.

"The project," I said.

"What project?"

Mr. Garner sighed and knelt down so he was at Isadora's level. "You forgot to taker your medication, didn't you?" he asked.

"I think I left it at home," Isadora said.

"That would make sense," he said. "So, do you have it?"

"Have what?" she asked.

"The short story," Mr. Garner said.

"Oh, that!" Isadora said before going through her back and coming up with our story. "Here. All done."

Mr. Garner took the project before collecting everyone else's projects before stacking them on his desk. "Well, since you all completed your projects on time, today will be a free class for you," he said. "Do whatever you want and you can even use your phones."

"Wait, really?" Collin asked. "Everyone, or just Dax?"

"Well, everyone except for you know," Mr. Garner said. "I've told you, and everyone else, to stop bringing that up. You can find something else to do, but I do not want to see you on your phone. Understood?"

"But...." Collin began objecting.

"Understood?" Mr. Garner repeated.

"Yes," Collin muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. Aww, someone was a big baby. I didn't know why he kept bringing up the fact that I was allowed on my phone. He knew the reason now, so he shouldn't have to keep bringing it up.

Both he and his sister held grudges for far too long.

Since it was a free class, I rested my head on my desk, attempting to fall asleep even for a few minutes. It didn't help that I had to sleep on the couch while Isadora slept on my bed since it would have been unfair if she slept on the couch. She kept telling me it was fine, but I still wouldn't let her.

It was too hard for me to fall asleep. Everyone else was talking to loud and some were even playing distasteful music without having the headphones plugged in. I was tempted to tell them to plug turn it down so I wouldn't have to listen to that shit.

In the end, I put my own music on and plugged my earphones into my ear. And luckily for me, I was able to fall asleep for a bit.

Okay, for the whole class really. I was suddenly shaken awake and I opened my eyes to see Isadora. "The bell rang," she said. "It's lunch time."

I sighed. "I just want to sleep."

"Me too," she said. "When I get home from school, I think I'm just going to sleep for a century."

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