Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

       Sara called all of us down for dinner, so I turned off my music and grabbed my phone before heading down the stairs and into the dining room. The table was already set, so I sat down in my normal spot.

       Dinner started off quiet with the only sounds being the forks scraping against our plates. Seb was the one who broke the silence. "I got you a present, Dax."

       I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "It's September. My birthday is in January."

       "I know," Seb said.

       "And Christmas is in December."

       "It's not for a special occasion," Seb said. "It's just because. Well, and the fact that we are moving out next week. We got the apartment and we're moving in next week."

       "So you got me a present?" I asked. "What is it, a toaster?"

       Seb snorted. "No. You'll get it later tonight. I'm picking it up after dinner."

       "What is it?"

       "It would be a present if you knew what it was," Seb said.

       "It would still be a present," I said. "It just wouldn't be a surprise."

       "Smart mouth."

       "So, what is it?" I asked.

       Seb ignored my question and even changed the subject. "How was school today?"

       "Don't change the subject."

       "I'm not," Seb said. "I'm your brother and I want to know how your day was. You never called or texted so I assume you didn't here the voices."

       "No, I did," I said.

       Seb furrowed his eyebrows. "Then why didn't you call or text me."

       "Because I didn't need to," I said. I actually liked it that Isadora was able to make the voices go away because I didn't have to talk to Seb at school since it was such a bother at times.

       "Oh....kay?" Seb said, looking confused. I just shrugged before I continued eating my dinner.

       As soon as dinner ended, Seb announced he had to go out to pick up my present, whatever it was. I was still confused as to why he was getting me a present. I doubt us moving out would have been a reason.

       I still think he was going to buy me a toaster.

       I laid down on the couch, not wanting to go upstairs until Seb came back. I would be too lazy to go up, come down when Seb came, then go back upstairs. I was lazy a lot.

       Sara sat down on one of the couches and turned on the TV. "Do you know what I'm getting?" I asked.

       "Yes, I do," Sara said.

       "Can you tell me?"

       "No," Sara said. "Sebastian wants it to be a surprise, so I can't say a single word. But I know you'll like it because you keep talking about getting one."

       "A toaster?" I asked. "Because the toaster we have now is shitty."

       Sara gave me a flat look. "You need to start watching your language. I don't care if you're seventeen; we have a seven year old in this house."

       "Gemma's upstairs though," I pointed out.

       "I know, but I still don't want you cursing in this house," she said.

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