Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

       The day of the talent show was here, and honestly, I wasn't even going to pay attention to anybody else except for Isadora. I would either go on my phone or sleep. They were all unimportant.

       I sat in the back near the exit just in case I got really bored watching everyone else and I had to leave. 

       ....I should try being more supportive of my classmates.

       Nah, they were all losers and stupid.

       Isadora was going on near the middle, according to the list that was taped to the door to the gym, where the talent show was being held. I couldn't wait to hear her sing. I did that one time when I told her to show me, but she was a bit shy that time. This time, she was going to be singing a lot more powerful because she was been telling me that she was practicing.

       The talent show started and I watched a few before getting bored and going on my phone. If I was untalented, then I didn't care about all those other talented people. It just reminded us untalented people that we had no talents.

       When the MC announced that Isadora was next, I put my phone away. Isadora looked a bit shy when she got up to the microphone, but when the music started playing, she looked a lot more confident. 

       She was singing Rock Bottom and I think the song matched her voice perfectly. She was an amazing singer and I wish I knew about it a long time ago. I loved hearing her sing.

       Everyone else watching seemed to like her as well because when she finished, the audience cheered loudly. And I was probably the loudest.

       There were a few other singers in the talent show but in my opinion, Isadora was the best. And I wasn't just saying that because she was my girlfriend. Okay, part of me was saying that because she was my girlfriend, and the other part was because she truly was the best.

       When the talent show ended, they announced third, second, and first place. Isadora ended up getting second and she looked extremely happy. 

       Once the first place was announced, everyone got up from their seats. I made my way to Isadora and wrapped my arms tightly around her. "You were amazing," I said. "And congratulations on coming in second, even though you should have been first."

       "Thank you," she said. "And no way should I have been first. The person who came first was way more talented than me."

       "I disagree."

       "Yeah, but you're biased," Isadora said.

       "I still think you should have been first," I said.

       Isadora rolled her eyes and gave me a quick kiss right as her brother approached us. "You were amazing, Isa," Bryson said.

       "Thanks, Bryson," Isadora said.

       Bryson looked at me before looking at Isadora. "And I still see you're dating him," he said, glaring at me.

       Why did he hate me so much?

       "Yes, I am," Isadora said. "You know he's the one that got me the cat, right?"

       "Well, I would have gotten you a cat," Bryson said. "You know, if I had money. I bet you're only with Daxton because he's loaded with money."

       I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not loaded with money. My family barely has any money."

       "Uh huh," Bryson said in a tone that told me he didn't believe me. "I bet your parents are loaded with money."

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