Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

       Being extremely bored and not wanting to do the worksheet in front of me, I repeatedly dropped my pencil on my desk, making a loud clatter noise that was bothering everyone. Some people sighed in frustration, others groaned. I didn't care.

       Right when I was about to drop it again, Isadora grabbed my hand to stop me from doing so. "You're annoying everyone," she said.

       "They're all stupid."

       "You are a sour lemon," Isadora said.

       "What? It's true," I said. "I'm bored. I don't want to do the worksheet."

       "Then don't," Isadora said as she went back to working on her worksheet.

       I was still bored, so I continuously began poking her side. She kept ignoring me, which made me frown. "Pay attention to me," I said.

       Isadora sighed. "Dax, I love you, but you are being really annoying today."

       "Today?" I repeated. "I'm always annoying."

       "I can see that," Isadora said. "Just let me finish the worksheet, then I'll pay attention to you."

       I frowned. "Fine." My cell phone suddenly buzzed with a new message, so I picked it up. It was from Artemis, telling me that she was about to call me, so I better get out of class. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Isadora. "If your dad asks, I went for a walk."

       "Is everything okay?" she asked. 

       I shrugged before picking up my phone and walking out of the classroom. I waited for Artemis to call and about a minute later, she did and I answered it immediately. "What's going on?" I asked. "Why are you calling the the middle of school?"

       "It's Seb," Artemis said. "When he woke up a few minutes ago, his back was in the worst pain it has ever been and he could barely move. I think he has to go to the hospital and see if he can get in the surgery now because I don't know how much more he could take. Do you think you could leave school and drive us to the hospital?"

       "Yeah," I said. "I'll be there soon." I hung up and went back into the class and walked to Mr. Garner's desk. "I have to go. My brother needs to go to the hospital."

       "Okay, I'll write you a note that you'll give to the office," he said, taking out a pad of paper. "Is he okay?"

       "He has this thing with his back," I said. "It's really bad right now and we're going to try to see if he could get into surgery now instead of waiting."

       Mr. Garner handed me the note and I thanked him before going to my desk to pack up my stuff. "What's going on?" Isadora asked me.

       "I have to take Seb to the hospital," I said. I explained once again why as I packed up all my stuff. "I'll give you an update later on."

       Isadora nodded and I quickly left the classroom, but not after kissing her cheek. I went to the office and gave the front desk the note and signed out before going to the car in the parking lot. I didn't even take a few deep breaths like I always did. I went straight to driving and went to the apartment.

       Seb and Artemis were already waiting outside of the apartment, with Artemis having her arm around Seb's waist. And he looked like he was in a lot of pain.

       They both got in the backseat and I began driving to the hospital. "How are you?" I asked.

       "How am I?" Seb repeated. "My back fucking hurts, that's how I am."

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