Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

       Seb and I made it a tradition to go to our lakeside cabin every single spring break, ever since he first got his driving license. Then when he started dating Artemis, she started coming too. And now, Isadora was coming with us. Good thing because I was tired of third-wheeling it and having to watch my brother and his now-wife make out.

       Isadora slept over so we wouldn't have to drive to her house to pick her up in the morning. I was thankful she did because I was having a rough night with a stupid nightmare and she stayed awake to comfort me. I think she even fell asleep after I did.

       Seb came in my room and woke us up, turning on the lights and telling us to be ready in an hour. I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes once he left, closing the door behind him. "You still tired?" I asked Isadora.

       Isadora nodded and yawned. "I fell asleep after three."

       "Sorry for keeping you up," I said.

       "Dax, don't worry about it," she said. "I wouldn't have been fair if you had to handle it alone."

       I smiled and leaned down to give her a kiss. "Thank you," I said. "How about I jump in the shower and you can rest for a bit? Then when I finish, you can go in."

       Isadora smiled at me. "Deal." 

       I got off of the bed and went to my washroom. After having a quick shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist before heading back to my bedroom. "Izzy, your turn," I said.

       Isadora sat up, her eyes immediately landing on the towel around my waist, her cheeks turning a bit red.

       "See something you like?" I asked with a smile.

       Isadora looked at me. "Uh....The towel's a bit....low."

       "Really?" I asked. "Well, at least it's on."

       She rolled her eyes and hopped off the bed, walking over to me. "You're annoying at times," she said before kissing my cheek and heading to the washroom. 

       I got changed, throwing the towel in the laundry basket. I walked into the kitchen where Seb was making breakfast and Artemis was sitting at the table, whining about wanting the baby out of her.

       I sat at the table. "So," I said. "How's the pregnancy coming along?"

       "Shut up," Artemis said. "I am never having another baby ever again."

       "Right," I said. "Trust me, you are probably going to want another baby."

       "No," Artemis said. "I do not want to go through this again. Seb, I swear, if you get me pregnant again, I will throw a brick at you."

       "Hey, it takes two to make a baby," Seb said. "Don't put the blame just on me."

       Artemis just frowned and leaned back in her seat. "I can't wait for these two months to be over. I Evelyn out of me. She kicks all night and she makes me even more hungry and my back hurts."

       Seb placed a plate of french toast and scrambled eggs in front of Artemis. "You'll get through it," he said before kissing her forehead. "Dax, where's Isadora?"

       "Showering," I said. "She should be done soon."

       As if on cue, Isadora walked into the kitchen. She sat down beside me, rubbing her eyes. "I'm still tired," she said.

       "Sorry," I said.

       "Dax, it's not your fault," she said. "Besides, I can just nap in the car."

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