Second Chance

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December 11, 2010

Dear Victoria,                                                                 

Here we are once again my old friend. Only this time, I am not blaming anything on you because I know now that I was to blame too. The things that happened could have been by pasted if I made better chooses. This letter isn’t about asking you to be friends again or the things we did together. In fact I no longer care about any of that. This letter is a second chance for you.

I know that deep down you’re a good person with a heart of gold but at some point in your life you took a wrong turn. This wrong turn has lead you down a dark path. I am no better because I took the same path as you but the difference is that I chose to leave that path for a better one. I know that bad things happen to you that caused you to go down this dark path and that you still blame other people. You blame your parents and your older brother. You blame the school, the other kids, and even yourself. But you need to learn to let that go. Let it all go and start making better choose.

This isn’t a second chance to be my friend because that will never happen again. I am done with you. My life no long has a place for you and I am moving on to the better things in life. It is a second chance to do things differently for another. Maybe instead of handing someone a cig because they look sad, you could give them helpful tips. Like “Hey, don’t look so blue, the sun is shinning.” Or you can give them a hug and smile. You would be shocked at how a hug can do so much for someone.

When I found out that my life would be cut so short I would cry every day. One day I broke down in the store and this super random woman walked up to me and gave me hug. I had no clue who she was at that moment, but my tears stopped. That one hug made me look at life a little different. I stopped spending my days crying and started spending them doing things that made me happy.

This second chance also entitles you to get yourself tested. You have had some pretty crazy and wild hook up’s with a few too many people. If not for yourself, do it for all the other people you plan on hooking up with. Why ruin another’s life because you are selfish? It is just not right. That is how I ended up here. Someone was selfish and now I have to live with the aftermath. I say this because I know you have hooked up with Michael and you would be shocked by what runs through his blood.

After you get tested, clean your act up. Stop dressing like a slut and make a plan for yourself. If you clean your act up you will set a better example for other girls. Believe it or not a lot of the girl’s from school look up at you. Why? I don’t know but they do. They see you as someone who knows how to get what they want. Show them that there are other ways to get what you want. You don’t have to wear super short skirts and low cut shirts to get the guy. You also don’t have to give in so easy.

I’m telling you this Victoria not because I like you but because I care about those around you. I’m giving you this simple second chance for the main reason of cleaning up. By you cleaning up maybe not so many people will end up like me.

You were one of the factors in my doom. You left me there that night. I wouldn’t have even been there if you wouldn’t have said anything to me. I was going to walk right by you but then you said “Hi.” I was always brought up to never say “Hi,” to someone if they have been the first to say hi.

Please take the second chance. Become washed by the river of the love.


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