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(y/n)'s POV

There I was, sitting in class, ignoring my teacher. I do this all the time, but don't get me wrong. I'm not dumb, I know what I have to do so I can pass. I'm not failing, I'm actually a pretty good student, I'm just a little below the top student's score in my class. Light Yagami.

Light is a young man with light brown hair and brown eyes. He is taller than the average height for a guy but it's not a bad height for him. He always dresses neatly, especially in our school's uniform. Not to mention that this year is our last year before we go to our university at choice. I got into To-Oh University, I recently got accepted so I'm quite happy about that, but I heard that Light's going to be there.. Great...

I don't hate Light, nor do I like him like many girls in this academy. I don't hang out with Light, nor do I talk to him. We're strangers, basically. I always see him paying attention to the teacher, while I sketch out a drawing of a girl, locked away in her room, crying. Dark? I know, but I'm not really a cheerful person, I try to be in front of people, so they can't say that there's something wrong with me. But it's to look like I'm always happy, because... Well... Let's just save that for another time.

Then I heard the stereotypical school bell for any school here in Japan. I got up out of my seat, grabbing my things, which accidentally hit Light's desk. Yes, I sit next to him, oh joy.

"Sorry." I muttered as I quickly fixed his desk.

"Its quite alright, don't worry." He replied, he's always so polite.

But then I noticed a book on the floor, it had two words on it. Death Note. I don't know what it is, nor do I want to know.

"Um.. Hey. Your book is on the ground.. Do you want me to get it?" I asked.

I saw his eyes flash an emotion but then returned to normal.

"Oh! That's just something I got online. Thank you for telling me, see you tomorrow." Light said, picking up his book and retreated out of the room.

I just shrugged and left the room, which will lead me to going home, do homework, and... Well, sleep. That's what my day consists of, mostly. So I walked the busy streets of the Kanto area of Japan, seeing many different things, that's why I love living here.

But then I saw the broadcast screen on a nearby building turn to the news.

"Kira has struck again! Earlier today, more criminals were killed by mysterious heart attacks! Their names were-"

The news reporter showed the faces and names of the criminals that were killed. I'm not surprised really, Kira has been killing criminals for a long time now. Kira thinks that he's doing good by eliminating all the criminals here, but I hope he knows that criminals are born everyday. A new one will always pop up somewhere... I always think this way when I'm near my house, considering that this is all I hear about

I sighed as I entered my empty house, my family gave me this house while they're on the other side of the world somewhere. They're both attending work for the (l/n) company, so they bought me a house here. They give me money every month, to pay the bills and such. But I do get lonely, and I get jealous of the fact that normal people in Japan have a regular family and a regular, normal life.

So I walked into my room, sat on my bed and started doing the homework that's due for the next two weeks, go figure that it's all we have left. Yes, I get them from the teacher, he's cool with it. So I turned on my phone and listened to music while I did my homework, but I let my mind wander to Light and his Death Note.

Light's POV

I walked into my room, locking the door immediately. I was met with Ryuk, sitting on my bed.

"Rough day, Light?" He asked, in a taunting voice.

"No, why do you say that?" I said as I put the Death Note away in my secret compartment.

"Don't act dumb, I saw that girl in your class." I stopped what I was doing and looked at Ryuk.

"What about her? She's been in my class for-"

"She saw the Death Note you know. She has a tendency to be curious." He cut me off.

I just clicked my tongue and sat down at my desk.

"What are you going to do about her?" He asked.

"I don't think she'll do anything. I have a feeling she knows that something's going to happen, or she just doesn't care. I'm not exactly worried about her." I said as I took out my books.

"This is interesting. This is the first time that you're not worried about a human, one who possibly can put clues together and find out that you're the one killing people." Ryuk taunted, causing me to sigh.

"Maybe I could find out what she really thinks about the Death Note. She must know something about Kira and the killings. So, if I can get close to her, then maybe I can find out if she's looking into finding out about me or not." I thought out loud.

"And how are you going to do that?" He asked.

"I'll have to befriend her." I said, turning on the tv to see the criminals that I killed.

"She could be killed too if she finds out too much."

"Do you know her name?" Ryuk asked, laughing a bit.

"I don't remember it.." I internally scolded myself.

"Hehe that offer's still-"

"I told you that I don't want it. I'll find out without those eyes, it's not worth it to cut my lifespan in half. After all," I chuckled as I looked at Ryuk, "it'll be fun to learn more about her."

"Hmm.. Interesting." Was all Ryuk said.

So I spent the rest of my time, writing names in my Death Note and doing the homework for the next day.


Here's a new story for everyone!!! I hope you'll enjoy it!!!!

~ Author-chan ٩(

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