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(y/n)'s POV

"Hitomi?" I snapped my head towards the voice, "Can I speak with you, in private?"


I nodded my head as I followed him. I passed Light and I immediately felt his insanity flying in the air. It took everything in my power to not shiver in fear, at this point, I was terrified. Light wasn't going to stop killing people until he found out who I was.

I can't stop him... What am I going to do..? What can I do? I'm practically alone, my family don't even really care about me.. (b/n) was all I had left of a REAL family...


Lawliet and I ended up in a room where he knew that he didn't put cameras in here.

"Hitomi.." It hurt to hear that from him.

But Light might have followed us.. I understand why he's doing it, but it just hurts at this point in time, along with everything else.

"Ryuzaki..." I whispered, trying to be strong.

I felt myself failing immediately. I could tell that he knew that I was close to breaking. I managed to see Ryuzaki lock the door, which was our only way out. I was then taken by the arm and was dragged to another room, which he locked the door as well. I felt dead, is this how people feel when their loved ones are ripped away from them?

"Was that.. Your brother?" That was it.

I felt myself crumple to the ground. I covered my mouth with my hand to avoid any loud sounds to be heard. Tears clouded my vision, along with the feeling of hot, tiny drops roll down my face.

"N-No wh-ere is s-sa-fe.." I quietly cried out.


I couldn't tell where he was or what he was doing. But I felt hands on my shoulders.

"Unfortunately, I am unexperienced with girls crying, or just how a girl feels in general, so I'm having trouble on what I should do."

I completely ignored what he said.. I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I needed to be in someone's arms, anyone!!! All except Light and filthy perverts. I immediately threw myself into Lawliet's arms, wrapping my arms around his waist, along with burying my face into his chest.


"P-Ple-ase.. D-Don't lea-ve m-me.." I said, hiccuping in between my words.

"I'm not.."

"Y-You p-ro-m-ise..?"

"I promise.." I then felt his breath near my ear, "(y/n)."

"T-Tha-nk y-you..."

I felt him wrap his arms around me. So there we were, sitting on the floor. I was like a koala on Lawliet, crying my eyes out, is that a normal description that people use for when they're sobbing? Then there's Lawliet, holding me as if I was glass that could break at any- wait, no. I was already broken glass, and Lawliet was trying not to cut himself as he held me.

"If it'll make you feel any better, I'll be here for you."

My eyes snapped wide open. I removed my head away from his chest, and looked at him. My vision was still a bit cloudy, but I was able to see him, a blurry Lawliet. So there we were, staring at each other for what felt like forever. I then saw him lean closer to me, not to my lips as anyone else would think, but to my ear.

"(y/n), you will never be alone. I'm here for you, always."


I started to calm down, well not from my emotions, just from crying. I started wiping the tears, already too late with the ones that left stains on my (s/t) cheeks. New ones threaten to come but I knew that I had to call my parents, even if I didn't want to.

"If you have to cry then cry. You shouldn't keep it in, especially when we go back to work."

I took a deep breath and looked at Lawliet.

"I'm going to be fine, I will continue to work on this case. I will not show my emotions towards the others, I won't let Kira use them against me." I said, filled with determination.

"Well what are you going to do now? You can't risk crying in front of the task force." I was told.

I forced a smile, which turned into a smirk.

"I can act, I did take acting classes in my free time. I took them after school before I went to the university, I think I can manage." I said, my smirk turning into a smile after.

"You are making me more and more curious, you know."

"How so?"

"Well, it makes me wonder if I can make you show any more emotion."

I then felt myself getting pulled by my waist. Mind you, we're still on the floor, so I was pulled onto Lawliet's lap. I thought it would be impossible since he only sits like a frog. I felt heat rise to my cheeks from this, so I looked away.

"No, look at me."

I felt my face turn to look at the man. Lawliet had a kiddie smile on, like this is a game. I had to smile at him, I can't keep a straight face looking at him with that smile.

"You're red, (y/n)."

"S-Shut up, Lawliet!" I said, covering my face.

"Well, now you're making me even more curious." I removed a hand to look at him.

"W-Well.." I removed the other hand but looked away, "If you want.. I could show you different reactions. It'll be like an... Experiment. You say or do something that you think might trigger a reaction from me, and if I do then you'll see what reaction I'll have. It's weird to even do this, but I'm sure that it'll teach you about how a woman, or even a girl in general, would react to what you say or do."

I looked at Lawliet, only to see that he was impressed.

"Very well, now I know a way to get you embarrassed."

"Well.... I know this is going to take a while...." I said, with a poker face.

"You're correct about that."

"Ugh.. Let's just go back to the others." I said as I got off of Lawliet.

"Yes, before they wonder what we're doing." He said, getting up as well.

Then we heard a phone go off.

"It's mine." I look at Lawliet who wants me to come look with him.

I walk over to see a text message.

Hey Ryuzaki! Light's girlfriend, Misa is here. She's going to be here when we work on the case on some days. She's here now, see you guys when you get back!

- Matsuda

"Well, let's go." I said, pulling on Lawliet's arm.

"I know, I know." He said, and with that we were on our way back.

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