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(y/n)'s POV

I sat in class once again, drawing things in my sketch book. I managed to hear the teacher talking about the homework that I already did. I silently giggle at the thought. I then felt eyes staring at me, I glanced to my left, only to find Light staring at me.

Oh Kami, what does he want...?

I sighed as I got back to drawing, only to see a folded piece of paper fly onto my desk. I look at Light, who had a look to tell me to open it.

Light Yagami, the top student in this class, passing notes? Oooohhhh~ What a rebel! ... Not!

I opened it, only to find one word.

Light: Hey.

I just wrote what I thought was appropriate, especially to someone I don't talk to.

(y/n): Hi.

I threw it back when the teacher wasn't looking. Ha! Too easy! Then it was back on my desk. So, it continued from there.

Light: I noticed that you just draw during classes, that's not good for your education.

(y/n): I'm the second highest in this class, you're the first. Besides, I did the homework for the rest of the school year. So, I did two weeks of homework, so don't lecture me.

Light: Sorry. Sorry. It's kinda weird to ask now but.. What's your name?

I made no change in my face but I was thinking. I don't know what the Death Note is but I don't trust Light for him to know my name. I always wanted to be in the task force when I get out of school, so I already thought of an alias unless I'm told to change it. So, I gave Light my alias. (A/N I chose your alias for you but if you don't like it then you can change it if you want.)

(y/n): Hitomi Kobayashi. I'm not surprised that you don't know my name, Light.

Light: Well, you know mine. That's not really fair, now is it?

(y/n): Well, of course I know your name, only because I hear about you from your little fan girls around the academy. So, I'd say that's fair. It's not like I came up to you and asked for your name, then leave once I got it. You see where I'm coming from?

Light: That's a smart way of thinking about it. I also liked how your answer ended with a question, it's common for someone to do that, especially when they're on the news and reporters ask you questions.

(y/n): I know what you're talking about, similar to when Lind L. Taylor was on the news, but then died to Kira. But I'm surprised at how he cooperated, since he's a criminal. I thought he would put up more of a fight, but I guess he wasn't scared of Kira at the time since he just started to.. How should I say this... 'Eliminate' criminals.

Light: I see that your curious about Kira, how much do you really know about him?

(y/n): Easy there, Yagami, curiosity killed the cat. Also, when the time comes, I'll let you in on what I know. But all I can say is that it's the basic information that everyone knows by now.

Light: Ok cool, anyways, do you want to go to the café later? For coffee?

(y/n): Sure? But are you thinking this as a way to get to know me? Because if that's the case, then that's a stereotypical way to hang out with someone you just met.

Light: I like the way you think. That shows me that you can process things a little more than a normal person would. But I just asked because I wanted some coffee.

(y/n): Well, I want to join the task force when I get out of school, maybe help here and there when I go to the Univeristy. Also, I didn't turn down your offer, now did I? I was actually gonna go after school, so I guess it would be nice to have some company.

Light: Well, school's about to end, so I guess you'll start getting ready to leave now, right?

(y/n): You're slowly starting to know me, Light.

I threw it back at him as I put my things away into my over the shoulder messenger bag. Then the bell went off, signaling that classes were done for the day.

"Hey, Hitomi-san." Light grabbed my attention, I nodded as we left the school.


We arrived at the café, I got a normal coffee with milk and put some sugar in it. Light got the same thing as me, which didn't surprise me at all. Light paid for me, meanwhile I kept telling him no. So, now we were sitting at a table, drinking our coffee.

"Do you normally go out by yourself?" He asked me.

"It's rare that I will go out at all. Today was the first time that I went out with someone, it's been a long time." I said, sighing afterwards.

"Don't your parents tell you to go out?" He asked.

"No, besides they're never home. So, how could they? It's also easier for me because since I'm not close to people, I won't be hurt as much as I would if I was close to them, if something did happen to them." I said, taking a sip of my hot coffee.

"Sorry for asking. Besides, I thought that you would have the normal kind of life, considering the meaning of your name is more cheerful, or just on a more positive note." Light chuckled, something about it sent chills down my spine, the bad kind.

"I don't really pay attention to what my name means. But, I guess, since you know, maybe you could tell me so I can have more knowledge in my head." I said, looking at Light.

He just stared into my (e/c) eyes, his eyes not showing any sign of him being nervous. But then he broke the eye contact.

"Well, your first name, Hitomi, means 'pupil of the eye.' This name is usually given to girls with especially beautiful eyes. Then there's your surname, Kobayashi, 'ko' means 'small' and 'bayashi', which is pronounced as 'hayashi' for you, means 'forest.'" Light explained.

I nodded as thanks, I never knew that my alias meant that. A girl with beautiful eyes, small, and the forest? Now that's interesting.

After a while, we managed to finish our coffee. Light offered to walk me home, but I said that I didn't trust him enough to have him walk with me. He understood and turned around to walk, before I could turn around, I saw something fly behind him. I rubbed my eyes a bit, but saw that what I was seeing was real. There was a shinigami flying right behind him, I knew it was a shinigami because he looked like death itself.

I kept my cool as I turned around to walk away. But the whole time, I felt like I was being watched.

Light Yagami.. I swear if you're doing this to make me go crazy, then I will start to think that you're Kira. Especially since you have a God of death following you like you're it's mother.. I'm glad I gave you my alias, because Light Yagami....

I think you're Kira...

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