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(w/l/y/c) = Whichever Letter You Choose


(y/n)'s POV

I'm... His..?

Lawliet and I were breathing heavy, this moment, what Lawliet did to me, was something I wasn't used to... At. All. He was able to tell, especially during class when the male students in our class came up to me. I would always glance over at Lawliet, he had the look of rage in his eye, even though he's the type to not show emotion a lot.

"Was that a bit much?" He asked as he finished catching his breath, "Even if it was, it got me the reaction that I was MOST curious about."

"Is that why you did it? Is that why you said, 'Now everyone knows you're mine.' What about what you told me before? Was it all just to get a reaction?" I asked, feeling my eyeballs get hot and my vision cloudy.

No. I don't want to cry now.

"Not all of it.."


"(y/n)... I..."

Tears were falling, you would think that I wouldn't have any left. I then found myself struggling against the tight grip of Lawliet's hands.

"I.. Love you.." I whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

But he did hear me. I felt him release his grip, causing me to let gravity drop my arms down to my sides.

"(y/n), look at me." I looked at my floor, memorizing the (f/c) carpet that I bought when I first got this house.


I felt his fingers gently grab my chin, making me look at him. I looked into the eyes of the man who confused the life out of me. He was the man who made our moments bittersweet, but I enjoyed it, it always ended up with me and him together for another.


His lips were on mine. It felt like I was tasting sweets but it was only his lips. My eyes closed immediately and wrapped my arms around his neck. Our kiss felt desperate, we kissed each other, we both knew that. We both pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, black eyes looking into my (e/c) ones.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, "Especially since I was risking my life when I told everyone my name was an alias.."

"You want to know something (y/n)? Risking your life and doing something that could rob you of your life are exact opposites."

My eyes went wide at his words. I was scavenging through my brain to find something to say back to Lawliet, but I found nothing.

"Don't ever do that again." He whispered in my ear.

"I won't." I whispered back.

I was then engulfed in an embrace. Lawliet was holding me tightly against him, it made me think that maybe he thinks I'll die if he lets go.

"I have an idea, even though I did it without your consent." He said.

"Oh geez... What did you do?" I asked, preparing for the worst.

"I made it public that I was working with another detective, I had yet to reveal your name. I was thinking, maybe you use a letter, like I do."

I was surprised at this idea, but it made me start beating on his chest.

"Why would you do that! You're really trying to get ourselves killed here!" I shouted as I pounded my fists into his chest.

"Calm down!" Lawliet grabbed a hold of my fists.

"How can I POSSIBLY calm-"

A kiss was placed on my lips, but it was gone as soon as it came.

"You can calm down by me telling you that I'm in love with you." He said.

I felt a smile creep on my lips as Lawliet continued.

"Well, L. I believe it's best for me to reveal to you my name." I said as I walked past Lawliet and sat on my steps that lead upstairs.

"My name is (w/l/y/c)." I say as I rest my chin on my hand.

"Well, (w/l/y/c), it's a pleasure that I finally know who I'm working with." Lawliet says as he walks towards me.

I stood up as he stopped in front of me. The steps were making me a bit taller than Lawliet. I then felt him take my arms and wrap them around his neck, then he put his hands on the back of my thighs.

"Jump." He said, in which I obliged.

Lawliet held me like he was afraid that he was going to drop me.

"I'm not glass, you know." I said, letting out a smile laugh.

I then felt my back hug the wall that I didn't know was close to us. I was, once again, pinned to the wall.

"You're not glass, you're my girlfriend." He said.

"Who said that I was your girlfriend, "Lawliet's eyes went wider than they usually were, "you never properly asked. You have to consider a girl's opinion, after all."


"But since you're too shy to ask-"

I was cut off by Lawliet, who was nibbling the spot on my neck where he did before. I choked out a moan, but I quickly hid my face in the crook of his neck.


"I know, I know.." I muttered as I looked at Lawliet again, "I'm your girlfriend."

Is this the end of our bittersweet moments?

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