⇝ 1.8 ⇜

171 7 4

(y/n)'s POV

When I saw Light walk towards us, I felt my insides burn in rage. His eyes were trained on me.

Does he not understand me? I told him that I never want to see him again, tch...

"Hitomi... I..."

"Let's go, Ryuzaki. We have to get back to headquarters." I said as I dragged Ryuzaki away from Light.

I could feel Light's eyes burning through the back of my skull.

"I told him to stay away from me." I muttered.

"I told you, he wants you." Lawliet said once we were out of Light's hearing range.

"Yes, I know. I'm surprised that you're taking this very well." I admitted.

"Why do you say that?"

"You're my b-boyfriend.. Aren't you?" I hesitated.

"Of course I am, and I am upset about this. I am especially upset at the fact that we have to hide our relationship.." He said, looking at the people as we walk towards headquarters.

"I know but we both agreed on this. Unless we tell everyone whenever we do the announcement that I'm (w/l/y/c)." I said, thinking if my idea was a good one.

"We would be stepping into hot water."

"Aren't we in it already? Light must suspect that we know he's Kira!" I say as we walk into headquarters and into an elevator.

"You have a good point, but-"

"What's the use of trying to get out?" I cut Lawliet off, "We're probably going to die. We're already putting our lives on the line to stop Light from killing anymore people, he already got to my brother.."

I didn't want to speak anymore. All I had was thoughts swimming through my head, wondering when it'll be my turn to die.

"It's a risk that we're all willing to take." I looked at him.

We then heard a ding.

"Let's get this announcement over and done with." I said with a heavy sigh.

"It'll be alright." Lawliet said as we walked inside his room.

"Welcome back, you two." I turned to look at the voice.

"Oh, Watari! Haven't seen you in a while!" I said as I gave a gentle smile.

"Watari, please set up the voice changers and microphones. Hitomi and I are going to make an announcement to the public." Lawliet said to Watari, who only nodded and left with a word.

"We're really going to do this?" I asked as I rubbed the small chills that crawled on my arms.

"Yes, it'll be fine." He replied as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"How can you be so sure?"

"We'll just have to be careful."

"That might not be enough.." I whispered

Watari came back, before Lawliet could speak, telling us to follow him. We gladly did as he led us to a room that was similar to the one that we worked in with Yagami-san and the others. There was a long desk with two desk chairs, two different computers hooked up with their own voice changer hooked up to a microphone. Besides those things, the room was practically empty.

"Wow.." I gawked at the little room in front of me.

"This is where I always go to make announcements, the walls are soundproof so we'll be fine." I looked at Lawliet.

"This is amazing, I'm impressed." I said as I walked over to one of the computers.

"Well take a seat, I'll let Watari hook up your letter to the screen. When the public sees it, it'll be like a split screen." Lawliet said, I nodded in response.

After a few minutes, Watari showed me how to hook everything up. I took mental notes and thanked him as he left.

"You ready?" Lawliet asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said as I saw him press a button.

Our letters are on screen, we're live.

"People of Japan, I apologize for this sudden announcement. You all may know me as L, one of the detectives working to track down Kira. But I want to introduce a new detective on the case, (w/l/y/c)." Lawliet spoke in his normal voice.

There's no change in his voice?

"Hello, I am (w/l/y/c). You all do not know me but I am a new detective that'll be working alongside L and his team on this case. I am glad to let everyone know of my existence and to know that I'm here to help, but now Kira has another enemy to face. I know that there are people who support Kira and there are people who are against his ideas, causing people to fear him. Worry not everyone, we will try to figure who he is soon, and bring him to justice." I pulled away from the microphone to breathe.

"Also, this is not related to anything special but we just wanted to let Kira in on a little secret of ours, (w/l/y/c)?"

"Kira, L and I are dating." I emphasized the last word.

"We didn't want to hide this from anyone, have a splendid day." Lawliet pressed the button again and immediately pulled my chair towards his.

Well, that was a short- Wait, what?

I saw him place his feet on the floor, like a normal human being, but I then felt myself sit on him, making me look like I was straddling him.

"Lawliet.." I whispered as I felt him press his forehead to mine, making his strands of hair tickle my nose.

"We did it." He whispered back.

"Yeah, we did." I smiled at him.

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